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paws.compute (version 0.7.0)

ec2: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud


You can access the features of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) programmatically. For more information, see the Amazon EC2 Developer Guide.


ec2(config = list(), credentials = list(), endpoint = NULL, region = NULL)


A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using syntax like svc$operation(...), where svc is the name you've assigned to the client. The available operations are listed in the Operations section.



Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region.

  • credentials:

    • creds:

      • access_key_id: AWS access key ID

      • secret_access_key: AWS secret access key

      • session_token: AWS temporary session token

    • profile: The name of a profile to use. If not given, then the default profile is used.

    • anonymous: Set anonymous credentials.

  • endpoint: The complete URL to use for the constructed client.

  • region: The AWS Region used in instantiating the client.

  • close_connection: Immediately close all HTTP connections.

  • timeout: The time in seconds till a timeout exception is thrown when attempting to make a connection. The default is 60 seconds.

  • s3_force_path_style: Set this to true to force the request to use path-style addressing, i.e. http://s3.amazonaws.com/BUCKET/KEY.

  • sts_regional_endpoint: Set sts regional endpoint resolver to regional or legacy https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkref/latest/guide/feature-sts-regionalized-endpoints.html


Optional credentials shorthand for the config parameter

  • creds:

    • access_key_id: AWS access key ID

    • secret_access_key: AWS secret access key

    • session_token: AWS temporary session token

  • profile: The name of a profile to use. If not given, then the default profile is used.

  • anonymous: Set anonymous credentials.


Optional shorthand for complete URL to use for the constructed client.


Optional shorthand for AWS Region used in instantiating the client.

Service syntax

svc <- ec2(
  config = list(
    credentials = list(
      creds = list(
        access_key_id = "string",
        secret_access_key = "string",
        session_token = "string"
      profile = "string",
      anonymous = "logical"
    endpoint = "string",
    region = "string",
    close_connection = "logical",
    timeout = "numeric",
    s3_force_path_style = "logical",
    sts_regional_endpoint = "string"
  credentials = list(
    creds = list(
      access_key_id = "string",
      secret_access_key = "string",
      session_token = "string"
    profile = "string",
    anonymous = "logical"
  endpoint = "string",
  region = "string"


accept_address_transferAccepts an Elastic IP address transfer
accept_reserved_instances_exchange_quoteAccepts the Convertible Reserved Instance exchange quote described in the GetReservedInstancesExchangeQuote call
accept_transit_gateway_multicast_domain_associationsAccepts a request to associate subnets with a transit gateway multicast domain
accept_transit_gateway_peering_attachmentAccepts a transit gateway peering attachment request
accept_transit_gateway_vpc_attachmentAccepts a request to attach a VPC to a transit gateway
accept_vpc_endpoint_connectionsAccepts connection requests to your VPC endpoint service
accept_vpc_peering_connectionAccept a VPC peering connection request
advertise_byoip_cidrAdvertises an IPv4 or IPv6 address range that is provisioned for use with your Amazon Web Services resources through bring your own IP addresses (BYOIP)
allocate_addressAllocates an Elastic IP address to your Amazon Web Services account
allocate_hostsAllocates a Dedicated Host to your account
allocate_ipam_pool_cidrAllocate a CIDR from an IPAM pool
apply_security_groups_to_client_vpn_target_networkApplies a security group to the association between the target network and the Client VPN endpoint
assign_ipv_6_addressesAssigns one or more IPv6 addresses to the specified network interface
assign_private_ip_addressesAssigns one or more secondary private IP addresses to the specified network interface
assign_private_nat_gateway_addressAssigns private IPv4 addresses to a private NAT gateway
associate_addressAssociates an Elastic IP address, or carrier IP address (for instances that are in subnets in Wavelength Zones) with an instance or a network interface
associate_client_vpn_target_networkAssociates a target network with a Client VPN endpoint
associate_dhcp_optionsAssociates a set of DHCP options (that you've previously created) with the specified VPC, or associates no DHCP options with the VPC
associate_enclave_certificate_iam_roleAssociates an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with an Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate
associate_iam_instance_profileAssociates an IAM instance profile with a running or stopped instance
associate_instance_event_windowAssociates one or more targets with an event window
associate_ipam_byoasnAssociates your Autonomous System Number (ASN) with a BYOIP CIDR that you own in the same Amazon Web Services Region
associate_ipam_resource_discoveryAssociates an IPAM resource discovery with an Amazon VPC IPAM
associate_nat_gateway_addressAssociates Elastic IP addresses (EIPs) and private IPv4 addresses with a public NAT gateway
associate_route_tableAssociates a subnet in your VPC or an internet gateway or virtual private gateway attached to your VPC with a route table in your VPC
associate_subnet_cidr_blockAssociates a CIDR block with your subnet
associate_transit_gateway_multicast_domainAssociates the specified subnets and transit gateway attachments with the specified transit gateway multicast domain
associate_transit_gateway_policy_tableAssociates the specified transit gateway attachment with a transit gateway policy table
associate_transit_gateway_route_tableAssociates the specified attachment with the specified transit gateway route table
associate_trunk_interfaceAssociates a branch network interface with a trunk network interface
associate_vpc_cidr_blockAssociates a CIDR block with your VPC
attach_classic_link_vpcThis action is deprecated
attach_internet_gatewayAttaches an internet gateway or a virtual private gateway to a VPC, enabling connectivity between the internet and the VPC
attach_network_interfaceAttaches a network interface to an instance
attach_verified_access_trust_providerAttaches the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider to the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance
attach_volumeAttaches an EBS volume to a running or stopped instance and exposes it to the instance with the specified device name
attach_vpn_gatewayAttaches a virtual private gateway to a VPC
authorize_client_vpn_ingressAdds an ingress authorization rule to a Client VPN endpoint
authorize_security_group_egressAdds the specified outbound (egress) rules to a security group
authorize_security_group_ingressAdds the specified inbound (ingress) rules to a security group
bundle_instanceBundles an Amazon instance store-backed Windows instance
cancel_bundle_taskCancels a bundling operation for an instance store-backed Windows instance
cancel_capacity_reservationCancels the specified Capacity Reservation, releases the reserved capacity, and changes the Capacity Reservation's state to cancelled
cancel_capacity_reservation_fleetsCancels one or more Capacity Reservation Fleets
cancel_conversion_taskCancels an active conversion task
cancel_export_taskCancels an active export task
cancel_image_launch_permissionRemoves your Amazon Web Services account from the launch permissions for the specified AMI
cancel_import_taskCancels an in-process import virtual machine or import snapshot task
cancel_reserved_instances_listingCancels the specified Reserved Instance listing in the Reserved Instance Marketplace
cancel_spot_fleet_requestsCancels the specified Spot Fleet requests
cancel_spot_instance_requestsCancels one or more Spot Instance requests
confirm_product_instanceDetermines whether a product code is associated with an instance
copy_fpga_imageCopies the specified Amazon FPGA Image (AFI) to the current Region
copy_imageInitiates an AMI copy operation
copy_snapshotCopies a point-in-time snapshot of an EBS volume and stores it in Amazon S3
create_capacity_reservationCreates a new Capacity Reservation with the specified attributes
create_capacity_reservation_by_splittingCreate a new Capacity Reservation by splitting the available capacity of the source Capacity Reservation
create_capacity_reservation_fleetCreates a Capacity Reservation Fleet
create_carrier_gatewayCreates a carrier gateway
create_client_vpn_endpointCreates a Client VPN endpoint
create_client_vpn_routeAdds a route to a network to a Client VPN endpoint
create_coip_cidrCreates a range of customer-owned IP addresses
create_coip_poolCreates a pool of customer-owned IP (CoIP) addresses
create_customer_gatewayProvides information to Amazon Web Services about your customer gateway device
create_default_subnetCreates a default subnet with a size /20 IPv4 CIDR block in the specified Availability Zone in your default VPC
create_default_vpcCreates a default VPC with a size /16 IPv4 CIDR block and a default subnet in each Availability Zone
create_dhcp_optionsCreates a custom set of DHCP options
create_egress_only_internet_gateway[IPv6 only] Creates an egress-only internet gateway for your VPC
create_fleetCreates an EC2 Fleet that contains the configuration information for On-Demand Instances and Spot Instances
create_flow_logsCreates one or more flow logs to capture information about IP traffic for a specific network interface, subnet, or VPC
create_fpga_imageCreates an Amazon FPGA Image (AFI) from the specified design checkpoint (DCP)
create_imageCreates an Amazon EBS-backed AMI from an Amazon EBS-backed instance that is either running or stopped
create_instance_connect_endpointCreates an EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint
create_instance_event_windowCreates an event window in which scheduled events for the associated Amazon EC2 instances can run
create_instance_export_taskExports a running or stopped instance to an Amazon S3 bucket
create_internet_gatewayCreates an internet gateway for use with a VPC
create_ipamCreate an IPAM
create_ipam_external_resource_verification_tokenCreate a verification token
create_ipam_poolCreate an IP address pool for Amazon VPC IP Address Manager (IPAM)
create_ipam_resource_discoveryCreates an IPAM resource discovery
create_ipam_scopeCreate an IPAM scope
create_key_pairCreates an ED25519 or 2048-bit RSA key pair with the specified name and in the specified PEM or PPK format
create_launch_templateCreates a launch template
create_launch_template_versionCreates a new version of a launch template
create_local_gateway_routeCreates a static route for the specified local gateway route table
create_local_gateway_route_tableCreates a local gateway route table
create_local_gateway_route_table_virtual_interface_group_associationCreates a local gateway route table virtual interface group association
create_local_gateway_route_table_vpc_associationAssociates the specified VPC with the specified local gateway route table
create_managed_prefix_listCreates a managed prefix list
create_nat_gatewayCreates a NAT gateway in the specified subnet
create_network_aclCreates a network ACL in a VPC
create_network_acl_entryCreates an entry (a rule) in a network ACL with the specified rule number
create_network_insights_access_scopeCreates a Network Access Scope
create_network_insights_pathCreates a path to analyze for reachability
create_network_interfaceCreates a network interface in the specified subnet
create_network_interface_permissionGrants an Amazon Web Services-authorized account permission to attach the specified network interface to an instance in their account
create_placement_groupCreates a placement group in which to launch instances
create_public_ipv_4_poolCreates a public IPv4 address pool
create_replace_root_volume_taskReplaces the EBS-backed root volume for a running instance with a new volume that is restored to the original root volume's launch state, that is restored to a specific snapshot taken from the original root volume, or that is restored from an AMI that has the same key characteristics as that of the instance
create_reserved_instances_listingCreates a listing for Amazon EC2 Standard Reserved Instances to be sold in the Reserved Instance Marketplace
create_restore_image_taskStarts a task that restores an AMI from an Amazon S3 object that was previously created by using CreateStoreImageTask
create_routeCreates a route in a route table within a VPC
create_route_tableCreates a route table for the specified VPC
create_security_groupCreates a security group
create_snapshotCreates a snapshot of an EBS volume and stores it in Amazon S3
create_snapshotsCreates crash-consistent snapshots of multiple EBS volumes and stores the data in S3
create_spot_datafeed_subscriptionCreates a data feed for Spot Instances, enabling you to view Spot Instance usage logs
create_store_image_taskStores an AMI as a single object in an Amazon S3 bucket
create_subnetCreates a subnet in the specified VPC
create_subnet_cidr_reservationCreates a subnet CIDR reservation
create_tagsAdds or overwrites only the specified tags for the specified Amazon EC2 resource or resources
create_traffic_mirror_filterCreates a Traffic Mirror filter
create_traffic_mirror_filter_ruleCreates a Traffic Mirror filter rule
create_traffic_mirror_sessionCreates a Traffic Mirror session
create_traffic_mirror_targetCreates a target for your Traffic Mirror session
create_transit_gatewayCreates a transit gateway
create_transit_gateway_connectCreates a Connect attachment from a specified transit gateway attachment
create_transit_gateway_connect_peerCreates a Connect peer for a specified transit gateway Connect attachment between a transit gateway and an appliance
create_transit_gateway_multicast_domainCreates a multicast domain using the specified transit gateway
create_transit_gateway_peering_attachmentRequests a transit gateway peering attachment between the specified transit gateway (requester) and a peer transit gateway (accepter)
create_transit_gateway_policy_tableCreates a transit gateway policy table
create_transit_gateway_prefix_list_referenceCreates a reference (route) to a prefix list in a specified transit gateway route table
create_transit_gateway_routeCreates a static route for the specified transit gateway route table
create_transit_gateway_route_tableCreates a route table for the specified transit gateway
create_transit_gateway_route_table_announcementAdvertises a new transit gateway route table
create_transit_gateway_vpc_attachmentAttaches the specified VPC to the specified transit gateway
create_verified_access_endpointAn Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint is where you define your application along with an optional endpoint-level access policy
create_verified_access_groupAn Amazon Web Services Verified Access group is a collection of Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoints who's associated applications have similar security requirements
create_verified_access_instanceAn Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance is a regional entity that evaluates application requests and grants access only when your security requirements are met
create_verified_access_trust_providerA trust provider is a third-party entity that creates, maintains, and manages identity information for users and devices
create_volumeCreates an EBS volume that can be attached to an instance in the same Availability Zone
create_vpcCreates a VPC with the specified CIDR blocks
create_vpc_endpointCreates a VPC endpoint
create_vpc_endpoint_connection_notificationCreates a connection notification for a specified VPC endpoint or VPC endpoint service
create_vpc_endpoint_service_configurationCreates a VPC endpoint service to which service consumers (Amazon Web Services accounts, users, and IAM roles) can connect
create_vpc_peering_connectionRequests a VPC peering connection between two VPCs: a requester VPC that you own and an accepter VPC with which to create the connection
create_vpn_connectionCreates a VPN connection between an existing virtual private gateway or transit gateway and a customer gateway
create_vpn_connection_routeCreates a static route associated with a VPN connection between an existing virtual private gateway and a VPN customer gateway
create_vpn_gatewayCreates a virtual private gateway
delete_carrier_gatewayDeletes a carrier gateway
delete_client_vpn_endpointDeletes the specified Client VPN endpoint
delete_client_vpn_routeDeletes a route from a Client VPN endpoint
delete_coip_cidrDeletes a range of customer-owned IP addresses
delete_coip_poolDeletes a pool of customer-owned IP (CoIP) addresses
delete_customer_gatewayDeletes the specified customer gateway
delete_dhcp_optionsDeletes the specified set of DHCP options
delete_egress_only_internet_gatewayDeletes an egress-only internet gateway
delete_fleetsDeletes the specified EC2 Fleets
delete_flow_logsDeletes one or more flow logs
delete_fpga_imageDeletes the specified Amazon FPGA Image (AFI)
delete_instance_connect_endpointDeletes the specified EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint
delete_instance_event_windowDeletes the specified event window
delete_internet_gatewayDeletes the specified internet gateway
delete_ipamDelete an IPAM
delete_ipam_external_resource_verification_tokenDelete a verification token
delete_ipam_poolDelete an IPAM pool
delete_ipam_resource_discoveryDeletes an IPAM resource discovery
delete_ipam_scopeDelete the scope for an IPAM
delete_key_pairDeletes the specified key pair, by removing the public key from Amazon EC2
delete_launch_templateDeletes a launch template
delete_launch_template_versionsDeletes one or more versions of a launch template
delete_local_gateway_routeDeletes the specified route from the specified local gateway route table
delete_local_gateway_route_tableDeletes a local gateway route table
delete_local_gateway_route_table_virtual_interface_group_associationDeletes a local gateway route table virtual interface group association
delete_local_gateway_route_table_vpc_associationDeletes the specified association between a VPC and local gateway route table
delete_managed_prefix_listDeletes the specified managed prefix list
delete_nat_gatewayDeletes the specified NAT gateway
delete_network_aclDeletes the specified network ACL
delete_network_acl_entryDeletes the specified ingress or egress entry (rule) from the specified network ACL
delete_network_insights_access_scopeDeletes the specified Network Access Scope
delete_network_insights_access_scope_analysisDeletes the specified Network Access Scope analysis
delete_network_insights_analysisDeletes the specified network insights analysis
delete_network_insights_pathDeletes the specified path
delete_network_interfaceDeletes the specified network interface
delete_network_interface_permissionDeletes a permission for a network interface
delete_placement_groupDeletes the specified placement group
delete_public_ipv_4_poolDelete a public IPv4 pool
delete_queued_reserved_instancesDeletes the queued purchases for the specified Reserved Instances
delete_routeDeletes the specified route from the specified route table
delete_route_tableDeletes the specified route table
delete_security_groupDeletes a security group
delete_snapshotDeletes the specified snapshot
delete_spot_datafeed_subscriptionDeletes the data feed for Spot Instances
delete_subnetDeletes the specified subnet
delete_subnet_cidr_reservationDeletes a subnet CIDR reservation
delete_tagsDeletes the specified set of tags from the specified set of resources
delete_traffic_mirror_filterDeletes the specified Traffic Mirror filter
delete_traffic_mirror_filter_ruleDeletes the specified Traffic Mirror rule
delete_traffic_mirror_sessionDeletes the specified Traffic Mirror session
delete_traffic_mirror_targetDeletes the specified Traffic Mirror target
delete_transit_gatewayDeletes the specified transit gateway
delete_transit_gateway_connectDeletes the specified Connect attachment
delete_transit_gateway_connect_peerDeletes the specified Connect peer
delete_transit_gateway_multicast_domainDeletes the specified transit gateway multicast domain
delete_transit_gateway_peering_attachmentDeletes a transit gateway peering attachment
delete_transit_gateway_policy_tableDeletes the specified transit gateway policy table
delete_transit_gateway_prefix_list_referenceDeletes a reference (route) to a prefix list in a specified transit gateway route table
delete_transit_gateway_routeDeletes the specified route from the specified transit gateway route table
delete_transit_gateway_route_tableDeletes the specified transit gateway route table
delete_transit_gateway_route_table_announcementAdvertises to the transit gateway that a transit gateway route table is deleted
delete_transit_gateway_vpc_attachmentDeletes the specified VPC attachment
delete_verified_access_endpointDelete an Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint
delete_verified_access_groupDelete an Amazon Web Services Verified Access group
delete_verified_access_instanceDelete an Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance
delete_verified_access_trust_providerDelete an Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider
delete_volumeDeletes the specified EBS volume
delete_vpcDeletes the specified VPC
delete_vpc_endpoint_connection_notificationsDeletes the specified VPC endpoint connection notifications
delete_vpc_endpointsDeletes the specified VPC endpoints
delete_vpc_endpoint_service_configurationsDeletes the specified VPC endpoint service configurations
delete_vpc_peering_connectionDeletes a VPC peering connection
delete_vpn_connectionDeletes the specified VPN connection
delete_vpn_connection_routeDeletes the specified static route associated with a VPN connection between an existing virtual private gateway and a VPN customer gateway
delete_vpn_gatewayDeletes the specified virtual private gateway
deprovision_byoip_cidrReleases the specified address range that you provisioned for use with your Amazon Web Services resources through bring your own IP addresses (BYOIP) and deletes the corresponding address pool
deprovision_ipam_byoasnDeprovisions your Autonomous System Number (ASN) from your Amazon Web Services account
deprovision_ipam_pool_cidrDeprovision a CIDR provisioned from an IPAM pool
deprovision_public_ipv_4_pool_cidrDeprovision a CIDR from a public IPv4 pool
deregister_imageDeregisters the specified AMI
deregister_instance_event_notification_attributesDeregisters tag keys to prevent tags that have the specified tag keys from being included in scheduled event notifications for resources in the Region
deregister_transit_gateway_multicast_group_membersDeregisters the specified members (network interfaces) from the transit gateway multicast group
deregister_transit_gateway_multicast_group_sourcesDeregisters the specified sources (network interfaces) from the transit gateway multicast group
describe_account_attributesDescribes attributes of your Amazon Web Services account
describe_addressesDescribes the specified Elastic IP addresses or all of your Elastic IP addresses
describe_addresses_attributeDescribes the attributes of the specified Elastic IP addresses
describe_address_transfersDescribes an Elastic IP address transfer
describe_aggregate_id_formatDescribes the longer ID format settings for all resource types in a specific Region
describe_availability_zonesDescribes the Availability Zones, Local Zones, and Wavelength Zones that are available to you
describe_aws_network_performance_metric_subscriptionsDescribes the current Infrastructure Performance metric subscriptions
describe_bundle_tasksDescribes the specified bundle tasks or all of your bundle tasks
describe_byoip_cidrsDescribes the IP address ranges that were specified in calls to ProvisionByoipCidr
describe_capacity_block_offeringsDescribes Capacity Block offerings available for purchase in the Amazon Web Services Region that you're currently using
describe_capacity_reservation_fleetsDescribes one or more Capacity Reservation Fleets
describe_capacity_reservationsDescribes one or more of your Capacity Reservations
describe_carrier_gatewaysDescribes one or more of your carrier gateways
describe_classic_link_instancesThis action is deprecated
describe_client_vpn_authorization_rulesDescribes the authorization rules for a specified Client VPN endpoint
describe_client_vpn_connectionsDescribes active client connections and connections that have been terminated within the last 60 minutes for the specified Client VPN endpoint
describe_client_vpn_endpointsDescribes one or more Client VPN endpoints in the account
describe_client_vpn_routesDescribes the routes for the specified Client VPN endpoint
describe_client_vpn_target_networksDescribes the target networks associated with the specified Client VPN endpoint
describe_coip_poolsDescribes the specified customer-owned address pools or all of your customer-owned address pools
describe_conversion_tasksDescribes the specified conversion tasks or all your conversion tasks
describe_customer_gatewaysDescribes one or more of your VPN customer gateways
describe_dhcp_optionsDescribes your DHCP option sets
describe_egress_only_internet_gatewaysDescribes your egress-only internet gateways
describe_elastic_gpusAmazon Elastic Graphics reached end of life on January 8, 2024
describe_export_image_tasksDescribes the specified export image tasks or all of your export image tasks
describe_export_tasksDescribes the specified export instance tasks or all of your export instance tasks
describe_fast_launch_imagesDescribe details for Windows AMIs that are configured for Windows fast launch
describe_fast_snapshot_restoresDescribes the state of fast snapshot restores for your snapshots
describe_fleet_historyDescribes the events for the specified EC2 Fleet during the specified time
describe_fleet_instancesDescribes the running instances for the specified EC2 Fleet
describe_fleetsDescribes the specified EC2 Fleet or all of your EC2 Fleets
describe_flow_logsDescribes one or more flow logs
describe_fpga_image_attributeDescribes the specified attribute of the specified Amazon FPGA Image (AFI)
describe_fpga_imagesDescribes the Amazon FPGA Images (AFIs) available to you
describe_host_reservation_offeringsDescribes the Dedicated Host reservations that are available to purchase
describe_host_reservationsDescribes reservations that are associated with Dedicated Hosts in your account
describe_hostsDescribes the specified Dedicated Hosts or all your Dedicated Hosts
describe_iam_instance_profile_associationsDescribes your IAM instance profile associations
describe_identity_id_formatDescribes the ID format settings for resources for the specified IAM user, IAM role, or root user
describe_id_formatDescribes the ID format settings for your resources on a per-Region basis, for example, to view which resource types are enabled for longer IDs
describe_image_attributeDescribes the specified attribute of the specified AMI
describe_imagesDescribes the specified images (AMIs, AKIs, and ARIs) available to you or all of the images available to you
describe_import_image_tasksDisplays details about an import virtual machine or import snapshot tasks that are already created
describe_import_snapshot_tasksDescribes your import snapshot tasks
describe_instance_attributeDescribes the specified attribute of the specified instance
describe_instance_connect_endpointsDescribes the specified EC2 Instance Connect Endpoints or all EC2 Instance Connect Endpoints
describe_instance_credit_specificationsDescribes the credit option for CPU usage of the specified burstable performance instances
describe_instance_event_notification_attributesDescribes the tag keys that are registered to appear in scheduled event notifications for resources in the current Region
describe_instance_event_windowsDescribes the specified event windows or all event windows
describe_instancesDescribes the specified instances or all instances
describe_instance_statusDescribes the status of the specified instances or all of your instances
describe_instance_topologyDescribes a tree-based hierarchy that represents the physical host placement of your EC2 instances within an Availability Zone or Local Zone
describe_instance_type_offeringsLists the instance types that are offered for the specified location
describe_instance_typesDescribes the specified instance types
describe_internet_gatewaysDescribes your internet gateways
describe_ipam_byoasnDescribes your Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs), their provisioning statuses, and the BYOIP CIDRs with which they are associated
describe_ipam_external_resource_verification_tokensDescribe verification tokens
describe_ipam_poolsGet information about your IPAM pools
describe_ipam_resource_discoveriesDescribes IPAM resource discoveries
describe_ipam_resource_discovery_associationsDescribes resource discovery association with an Amazon VPC IPAM
describe_ipamsGet information about your IPAM pools
describe_ipam_scopesGet information about your IPAM scopes
describe_ipv_6_poolsDescribes your IPv6 address pools
describe_key_pairsDescribes the specified key pairs or all of your key pairs
describe_launch_templatesDescribes one or more launch templates
describe_launch_template_versionsDescribes one or more versions of a specified launch template
describe_local_gateway_route_tablesDescribes one or more local gateway route tables
describe_local_gateway_route_table_virtual_interface_group_associationsDescribes the associations between virtual interface groups and local gateway route tables
describe_local_gateway_route_table_vpc_associationsDescribes the specified associations between VPCs and local gateway route tables
describe_local_gatewaysDescribes one or more local gateways
describe_local_gateway_virtual_interface_groupsDescribes the specified local gateway virtual interface groups
describe_local_gateway_virtual_interfacesDescribes the specified local gateway virtual interfaces
describe_locked_snapshotsDescribes the lock status for a snapshot
describe_mac_hostsDescribes the specified EC2 Mac Dedicated Host or all of your EC2 Mac Dedicated Hosts
describe_managed_prefix_listsDescribes your managed prefix lists and any Amazon Web Services-managed prefix lists
describe_moving_addressesThis action is deprecated
describe_nat_gatewaysDescribes your NAT gateways
describe_network_aclsDescribes your network ACLs
describe_network_insights_access_scope_analysesDescribes the specified Network Access Scope analyses
describe_network_insights_access_scopesDescribes the specified Network Access Scopes
describe_network_insights_analysesDescribes one or more of your network insights analyses
describe_network_insights_pathsDescribes one or more of your paths
describe_network_interface_attributeDescribes a network interface attribute
describe_network_interface_permissionsDescribes the permissions for your network interfaces
describe_network_interfacesDescribes one or more of your network interfaces
describe_placement_groupsDescribes the specified placement groups or all of your placement groups
describe_prefix_listsDescribes available Amazon Web Services services in a prefix list format, which includes the prefix list name and prefix list ID of the service and the IP address range for the service
describe_principal_id_formatDescribes the ID format settings for the root user and all IAM roles and IAM users that have explicitly specified a longer ID (17-character ID) preference
describe_public_ipv_4_poolsDescribes the specified IPv4 address pools
describe_regionsDescribes the Regions that are enabled for your account, or all Regions
describe_replace_root_volume_tasksDescribes a root volume replacement task
describe_reserved_instancesDescribes one or more of the Reserved Instances that you purchased
describe_reserved_instances_listingsDescribes your account's Reserved Instance listings in the Reserved Instance Marketplace
describe_reserved_instances_modificationsDescribes the modifications made to your Reserved Instances
describe_reserved_instances_offeringsDescribes Reserved Instance offerings that are available for purchase
describe_route_tablesDescribes your route tables
describe_scheduled_instance_availabilityFinds available schedules that meet the specified criteria
describe_scheduled_instancesDescribes the specified Scheduled Instances or all your Scheduled Instances
describe_security_group_referencesDescribes the VPCs on the other side of a VPC peering connection that are referencing the security groups you've specified in this request
describe_security_group_rulesDescribes one or more of your security group rules
describe_security_groupsDescribes the specified security groups or all of your security groups
describe_snapshot_attributeDescribes the specified attribute of the specified snapshot
describe_snapshotsDescribes the specified EBS snapshots available to you or all of the EBS snapshots available to you
describe_snapshot_tier_statusDescribes the storage tier status of one or more Amazon EBS snapshots
describe_spot_datafeed_subscriptionDescribes the data feed for Spot Instances
describe_spot_fleet_instancesDescribes the running instances for the specified Spot Fleet
describe_spot_fleet_request_historyDescribes the events for the specified Spot Fleet request during the specified time
describe_spot_fleet_requestsDescribes your Spot Fleet requests
describe_spot_instance_requestsDescribes the specified Spot Instance requests
describe_spot_price_historyDescribes the Spot price history
describe_stale_security_groupsDescribes the stale security group rules for security groups in a specified VPC
describe_store_image_tasksDescribes the progress of the AMI store tasks
describe_subnetsDescribes your subnets
describe_tagsDescribes the specified tags for your EC2 resources
describe_traffic_mirror_filter_rulesDescribe traffic mirror filters that determine the traffic that is mirrored
describe_traffic_mirror_filtersDescribes one or more Traffic Mirror filters
describe_traffic_mirror_sessionsDescribes one or more Traffic Mirror sessions
describe_traffic_mirror_targetsInformation about one or more Traffic Mirror targets
describe_transit_gateway_attachmentsDescribes one or more attachments between resources and transit gateways
describe_transit_gateway_connect_peersDescribes one or more Connect peers
describe_transit_gateway_connectsDescribes one or more Connect attachments
describe_transit_gateway_multicast_domainsDescribes one or more transit gateway multicast domains
describe_transit_gateway_peering_attachmentsDescribes your transit gateway peering attachments
describe_transit_gateway_policy_tablesDescribes one or more transit gateway route policy tables
describe_transit_gateway_route_table_announcementsDescribes one or more transit gateway route table advertisements
describe_transit_gateway_route_tablesDescribes one or more transit gateway route tables
describe_transit_gatewaysDescribes one or more transit gateways
describe_transit_gateway_vpc_attachmentsDescribes one or more VPC attachments
describe_trunk_interface_associationsDescribes one or more network interface trunk associations
describe_verified_access_endpointsDescribes the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoints
describe_verified_access_groupsDescribes the specified Verified Access groups
describe_verified_access_instance_logging_configurationsDescribes the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access instances
describe_verified_access_instancesDescribes the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access instances
describe_verified_access_trust_providersDescribes the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust providers
describe_volume_attributeDescribes the specified attribute of the specified volume
describe_volumesDescribes the specified EBS volumes or all of your EBS volumes
describe_volumes_modificationsDescribes the most recent volume modification request for the specified EBS volumes
describe_volume_statusDescribes the status of the specified volumes
describe_vpc_attributeDescribes the specified attribute of the specified VPC
describe_vpc_classic_linkThis action is deprecated
describe_vpc_classic_link_dns_supportThis action is deprecated
describe_vpc_endpoint_connection_notificationsDescribes the connection notifications for VPC endpoints and VPC endpoint services
describe_vpc_endpoint_connectionsDescribes the VPC endpoint connections to your VPC endpoint services, including any endpoints that are pending your acceptance
describe_vpc_endpointsDescribes your VPC endpoints
describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurationsDescribes the VPC endpoint service configurations in your account (your services)
describe_vpc_endpoint_service_permissionsDescribes the principals (service consumers) that are permitted to discover your VPC endpoint service
describe_vpc_endpoint_servicesDescribes available services to which you can create a VPC endpoint
describe_vpc_peering_connectionsDescribes your VPC peering connections
describe_vpcsDescribes your VPCs
describe_vpn_connectionsDescribes one or more of your VPN connections
describe_vpn_gatewaysDescribes one or more of your virtual private gateways
detach_classic_link_vpcThis action is deprecated
detach_internet_gatewayDetaches an internet gateway from a VPC, disabling connectivity between the internet and the VPC
detach_network_interfaceDetaches a network interface from an instance
detach_verified_access_trust_providerDetaches the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider from the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance
detach_volumeDetaches an EBS volume from an instance
detach_vpn_gatewayDetaches a virtual private gateway from a VPC
disable_address_transferDisables Elastic IP address transfer
disable_aws_network_performance_metric_subscriptionDisables Infrastructure Performance metric subscriptions
disable_ebs_encryption_by_defaultDisables EBS encryption by default for your account in the current Region
disable_fast_launchDiscontinue Windows fast launch for a Windows AMI, and clean up existing pre-provisioned snapshots
disable_fast_snapshot_restoresDisables fast snapshot restores for the specified snapshots in the specified Availability Zones
disable_imageSets the AMI state to disabled and removes all launch permissions from the AMI
disable_image_block_public_accessDisables block public access for AMIs at the account level in the specified Amazon Web Services Region
disable_image_deprecationCancels the deprecation of the specified AMI
disable_image_deregistration_protectionDisables deregistration protection for an AMI
disable_ipam_organization_admin_accountDisable the IPAM account
disable_serial_console_accessDisables access to the EC2 serial console of all instances for your account
disable_snapshot_block_public_accessDisables the block public access for snapshots setting at the account level for the specified Amazon Web Services Region
disable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagationDisables the specified resource attachment from propagating routes to the specified propagation route table
disable_vgw_route_propagationDisables a virtual private gateway (VGW) from propagating routes to a specified route table of a VPC
disable_vpc_classic_linkThis action is deprecated
disable_vpc_classic_link_dns_supportThis action is deprecated
disassociate_addressDisassociates an Elastic IP address from the instance or network interface it's associated with
disassociate_client_vpn_target_networkDisassociates a target network from the specified Client VPN endpoint
disassociate_enclave_certificate_iam_roleDisassociates an IAM role from an Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate
disassociate_iam_instance_profileDisassociates an IAM instance profile from a running or stopped instance
disassociate_instance_event_windowDisassociates one or more targets from an event window
disassociate_ipam_byoasnRemove the association between your Autonomous System Number (ASN) and your BYOIP CIDR
disassociate_ipam_resource_discoveryDisassociates a resource discovery from an Amazon VPC IPAM
disassociate_nat_gateway_addressDisassociates secondary Elastic IP addresses (EIPs) from a public NAT gateway
disassociate_route_tableDisassociates a subnet or gateway from a route table
disassociate_subnet_cidr_blockDisassociates a CIDR block from a subnet
disassociate_transit_gateway_multicast_domainDisassociates the specified subnets from the transit gateway multicast domain
disassociate_transit_gateway_policy_tableRemoves the association between an an attachment and a policy table
disassociate_transit_gateway_route_tableDisassociates a resource attachment from a transit gateway route table
disassociate_trunk_interfaceRemoves an association between a branch network interface with a trunk network interface
disassociate_vpc_cidr_blockDisassociates a CIDR block from a VPC
enable_address_transferEnables Elastic IP address transfer
enable_aws_network_performance_metric_subscriptionEnables Infrastructure Performance subscriptions
enable_ebs_encryption_by_defaultEnables EBS encryption by default for your account in the current Region
enable_fast_launchWhen you enable Windows fast launch for a Windows AMI, images are pre-provisioned, using snapshots to launch instances up to 65% faster
enable_fast_snapshot_restoresEnables fast snapshot restores for the specified snapshots in the specified Availability Zones
enable_imageRe-enables a disabled AMI
enable_image_block_public_accessEnables block public access for AMIs at the account level in the specified Amazon Web Services Region
enable_image_deprecationEnables deprecation of the specified AMI at the specified date and time
enable_image_deregistration_protectionEnables deregistration protection for an AMI
enable_ipam_organization_admin_accountEnable an Organizations member account as the IPAM admin account
enable_reachability_analyzer_organization_sharingEstablishes a trust relationship between Reachability Analyzer and Organizations
enable_serial_console_accessEnables access to the EC2 serial console of all instances for your account
enable_snapshot_block_public_accessEnables or modifies the block public access for snapshots setting at the account level for the specified Amazon Web Services Region
enable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagationEnables the specified attachment to propagate routes to the specified propagation route table
enable_vgw_route_propagationEnables a virtual private gateway (VGW) to propagate routes to the specified route table of a VPC
enable_volume_ioEnables I/O operations for a volume that had I/O operations disabled because the data on the volume was potentially inconsistent
enable_vpc_classic_linkThis action is deprecated
enable_vpc_classic_link_dns_supportThis action is deprecated
export_client_vpn_client_certificate_revocation_listDownloads the client certificate revocation list for the specified Client VPN endpoint
export_client_vpn_client_configurationDownloads the contents of the Client VPN endpoint configuration file for the specified Client VPN endpoint
export_imageExports an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to a VM file
export_transit_gateway_routesExports routes from the specified transit gateway route table to the specified S3 bucket
get_associated_enclave_certificate_iam_rolesReturns the IAM roles that are associated with the specified ACM (ACM) certificate
get_associated_ipv_6_pool_cidrsGets information about the IPv6 CIDR block associations for a specified IPv6 address pool
get_aws_network_performance_dataGets network performance data
get_capacity_reservation_usageGets usage information about a Capacity Reservation
get_coip_pool_usageDescribes the allocations from the specified customer-owned address pool
get_console_outputGets the console output for the specified instance
get_console_screenshotRetrieve a JPG-format screenshot of a running instance to help with troubleshooting
get_default_credit_specificationDescribes the default credit option for CPU usage of a burstable performance instance family
get_ebs_default_kms_key_idDescribes the default KMS key for EBS encryption by default for your account in this Region
get_ebs_encryption_by_defaultDescribes whether EBS encryption by default is enabled for your account in the current Region
get_flow_logs_integration_templateGenerates a CloudFormation template that streamlines and automates the integration of VPC flow logs with Amazon Athena
get_groups_for_capacity_reservationLists the resource groups to which a Capacity Reservation has been added
get_host_reservation_purchase_previewPreview a reservation purchase with configurations that match those of your Dedicated Host
get_image_block_public_access_stateGets the current state of block public access for AMIs at the account level in the specified Amazon Web Services Region
get_instance_metadata_defaultsGets the default instance metadata service (IMDS) settings that are set at the account level in the specified Amazon Web Services Region
get_instance_tpm_ek_pubGets the public endorsement key associated with the Nitro Trusted Platform Module (NitroTPM) for the specified instance
get_instance_types_from_instance_requirementsReturns a list of instance types with the specified instance attributes
get_instance_uefi_dataA binary representation of the UEFI variable store
get_ipam_address_historyRetrieve historical information about a CIDR within an IPAM scope
get_ipam_discovered_accountsGets IPAM discovered accounts
get_ipam_discovered_public_addressesGets the public IP addresses that have been discovered by IPAM
get_ipam_discovered_resource_cidrsReturns the resource CIDRs that are monitored as part of a resource discovery
get_ipam_pool_allocationsGet a list of all the CIDR allocations in an IPAM pool
get_ipam_pool_cidrsGet the CIDRs provisioned to an IPAM pool
get_ipam_resource_cidrsReturns resource CIDRs managed by IPAM in a given scope
get_launch_template_dataRetrieves the configuration data of the specified instance
get_managed_prefix_list_associationsGets information about the resources that are associated with the specified managed prefix list
get_managed_prefix_list_entriesGets information about the entries for a specified managed prefix list
get_network_insights_access_scope_analysis_findingsGets the findings for the specified Network Access Scope analysis
get_network_insights_access_scope_contentGets the content for the specified Network Access Scope
get_password_dataRetrieves the encrypted administrator password for a running Windows instance
get_reserved_instances_exchange_quoteReturns a quote and exchange information for exchanging one or more specified Convertible Reserved Instances for a new Convertible Reserved Instance
get_security_groups_for_vpcGets security groups that can be associated by the Amazon Web Services account making the request with network interfaces in the specified VPC
get_serial_console_access_statusRetrieves the access status of your account to the EC2 serial console of all instances
get_snapshot_block_public_access_stateGets the current state of block public access for snapshots setting for the account and Region
get_spot_placement_scoresCalculates the Spot placement score for a Region or Availability Zone based on the specified target capacity and compute requirements
get_subnet_cidr_reservationsGets information about the subnet CIDR reservations
get_transit_gateway_attachment_propagationsLists the route tables to which the specified resource attachment propagates routes
get_transit_gateway_multicast_domain_associationsGets information about the associations for the transit gateway multicast domain
get_transit_gateway_policy_table_associationsGets a list of the transit gateway policy table associations
get_transit_gateway_policy_table_entriesReturns a list of transit gateway policy table entries
get_transit_gateway_prefix_list_referencesGets information about the prefix list references in a specified transit gateway route table
get_transit_gateway_route_table_associationsGets information about the associations for the specified transit gateway route table
get_transit_gateway_route_table_propagationsGets information about the route table propagations for the specified transit gateway route table
get_verified_access_endpoint_policyGet the Verified Access policy associated with the endpoint
get_verified_access_group_policyShows the contents of the Verified Access policy associated with the group
get_vpn_connection_device_sample_configurationDownload an Amazon Web Services-provided sample configuration file to be used with the customer gateway device specified for your Site-to-Site VPN connection
get_vpn_connection_device_typesObtain a list of customer gateway devices for which sample configuration files can be provided
get_vpn_tunnel_replacement_statusGet details of available tunnel endpoint maintenance
import_client_vpn_client_certificate_revocation_listUploads a client certificate revocation list to the specified Client VPN endpoint
import_imageTo import your virtual machines (VMs) with a console-based experience, you can use the Import virtual machine images to Amazon Web Services template in the Migration Hub Orchestrator console
import_instanceWe recommend that you use the ImportImage API
import_key_pairImports the public key from an RSA or ED25519 key pair that you created with a third-party tool
import_snapshotImports a disk into an EBS snapshot
import_volumeCreates an import volume task using metadata from the specified disk image
list_images_in_recycle_binLists one or more AMIs that are currently in the Recycle Bin
list_snapshots_in_recycle_binLists one or more snapshots that are currently in the Recycle Bin
lock_snapshotLocks an Amazon EBS snapshot in either governance or compliance mode to protect it against accidental or malicious deletions for a specific duration
modify_address_attributeModifies an attribute of the specified Elastic IP address
modify_availability_zone_groupChanges the opt-in status of the specified zone group for your account
modify_capacity_reservationModifies a Capacity Reservation's capacity, instance eligibility, and the conditions under which it is to be released
modify_capacity_reservation_fleetModifies a Capacity Reservation Fleet
modify_client_vpn_endpointModifies the specified Client VPN endpoint
modify_default_credit_specificationModifies the default credit option for CPU usage of burstable performance instances
modify_ebs_default_kms_key_idChanges the default KMS key for EBS encryption by default for your account in this Region
modify_fleetModifies the specified EC2 Fleet
modify_fpga_image_attributeModifies the specified attribute of the specified Amazon FPGA Image (AFI)
modify_hostsModify the auto-placement setting of a Dedicated Host
modify_identity_id_formatModifies the ID format of a resource for a specified IAM user, IAM role, or the root user for an account; or all IAM users, IAM roles, and the root user for an account
modify_id_formatModifies the ID format for the specified resource on a per-Region basis
modify_image_attributeModifies the specified attribute of the specified AMI
modify_instance_attributeModifies the specified attribute of the specified instance
modify_instance_capacity_reservation_attributesModifies the Capacity Reservation settings for a stopped instance
modify_instance_credit_specificationModifies the credit option for CPU usage on a running or stopped burstable performance instance
modify_instance_event_start_timeModifies the start time for a scheduled Amazon EC2 instance event
modify_instance_event_windowModifies the specified event window
modify_instance_maintenance_optionsModifies the recovery behavior of your instance to disable simplified automatic recovery or set the recovery behavior to default
modify_instance_metadata_defaultsModifies the default instance metadata service (IMDS) settings at the account level in the specified Amazon Web Services Region
modify_instance_metadata_optionsModify the instance metadata parameters on a running or stopped instance
modify_instance_placementModifies the placement attributes for a specified instance
modify_ipamModify the configurations of an IPAM
modify_ipam_poolModify the configurations of an IPAM pool
modify_ipam_resource_cidrModify a resource CIDR
modify_ipam_resource_discoveryModifies a resource discovery
modify_ipam_scopeModify an IPAM scope
modify_launch_templateModifies a launch template
modify_local_gateway_routeModifies the specified local gateway route
modify_managed_prefix_listModifies the specified managed prefix list
modify_network_interface_attributeModifies the specified network interface attribute
modify_private_dns_name_optionsModifies the options for instance hostnames for the specified instance
modify_reserved_instancesModifies the configuration of your Reserved Instances, such as the Availability Zone, instance count, or instance type
modify_security_group_rulesModifies the rules of a security group
modify_snapshot_attributeAdds or removes permission settings for the specified snapshot
modify_snapshot_tierArchives an Amazon EBS snapshot
modify_spot_fleet_requestModifies the specified Spot Fleet request
modify_subnet_attributeModifies a subnet attribute
modify_traffic_mirror_filter_network_servicesAllows or restricts mirroring network services
modify_traffic_mirror_filter_ruleModifies the specified Traffic Mirror rule
modify_traffic_mirror_sessionModifies a Traffic Mirror session
modify_transit_gatewayModifies the specified transit gateway
modify_transit_gateway_prefix_list_referenceModifies a reference (route) to a prefix list in a specified transit gateway route table


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
svc <- ec2()
# This example allocates an Elastic IP address.

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab