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paws.compute (version 0.7.0)

lightsail_get_bundles: Returns the bundles that you can apply to an Amazon Lightsail instance when you create it


Returns the bundles that you can apply to an Amazon Lightsail instance when you create it.

See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/lightsail_get_bundles/ for full documentation.


  includeInactive = NULL,
  pageToken = NULL,
  appCategory = NULL



A Boolean value that indicates whether to include inactive (unavailable) bundles in the response of your request.


The token to advance to the next page of results from your request.

To get a page token, perform an initial get_bundles request. If your results are paginated, the response will return a next page token that you can specify as the page token in a subsequent request.


Returns a list of bundles that are specific to Lightsail for Research.

You must use this parameter to view Lightsail for Research bundles.