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paws.compute (version 0.7.0)

lightsail_put_instance_public_ports: Opens ports for a specific Amazon Lightsail instance, and specifies the IP addresses allowed to connect to the instance through the ports, and the protocol


Opens ports for a specific Amazon Lightsail instance, and specifies the IP addresses allowed to connect to the instance through the ports, and the protocol. This action also closes all currently open ports that are not included in the request. Include all of the ports and the protocols you want to open in your put_instance_public_portsrequest. Or use the open_instance_public_ports action to open ports without closing currently open ports.

See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/lightsail_put_instance_public_ports/ for full documentation.


lightsail_put_instance_public_ports(portInfos, instanceName)



[required] An array of objects to describe the ports to open for the specified instance.


[required] The name of the instance for which to open ports.