Creates an application, optionally including an AWS SAM file to create the first application version in the same call.
See for full documentation.
HomePageUrl = NULL,
Labels = NULL,
LicenseBody = NULL,
LicenseUrl = NULL,
ReadmeBody = NULL,
ReadmeUrl = NULL,
SemanticVersion = NULL,
SourceCodeArchiveUrl = NULL,
SourceCodeUrl = NULL,
SpdxLicenseId = NULL,
TemplateBody = NULL,
TemplateUrl = NULL
[required] The name of the author publishing the app.
Minimum length=1. Maximum length=127.
Pattern "^[a-z0-9](([a-z0-9]|-(?!-))*[a-z0-9])?$";
[required] The description of the application.
Minimum length=1. Maximum length=256
A URL with more information about the application, for example the location of your GitHub repository for the application.
Labels to improve discovery of apps in search results.
Minimum length=1. Maximum length=127. Maximum number of labels: 10
Pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9+\-_:\/@]+$";
A local text file that contains the license of the app that matches the spdxLicenseID value of your application. The file has the format file://\<path\>/\<filename\>.
Maximum size 5 MB
You can specify only one of licenseBody and licenseUrl; otherwise, an error results.
A link to the S3 object that contains the license of the app that matches the spdxLicenseID value of your application.
Maximum size 5 MB
You can specify only one of licenseBody and licenseUrl; otherwise, an error results.
[required] The name of the application that you want to publish.
Minimum length=1. Maximum length=140
Pattern: "[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+";
A local text readme file in Markdown language that contains a more detailed description of the application and how it works. The file has the format file://\<path\>/\<filename\>.
Maximum size 5 MB
You can specify only one of readmeBody and readmeUrl; otherwise, an error results.
A link to the S3 object in Markdown language that contains a more detailed description of the application and how it works.
Maximum size 5 MB
You can specify only one of readmeBody and readmeUrl; otherwise, an error results.
The semantic version of the application:
A link to the S3 object that contains the ZIP archive of the source code for this version of your application.
Maximum size 50 MB
A link to a public repository for the source code of your application, for example the URL of a specific GitHub commit.
A valid identifier from
The local raw packaged AWS SAM template file of your application. The file has the format file://\<path\>/\<filename\>.
You can specify only one of templateBody and templateUrl; otherwise an error results.
A link to the S3 object containing the packaged AWS SAM template of your application.
You can specify only one of templateBody and templateUrl; otherwise an error results.