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paws.compute (version 0.8.0)

computeoptimizer_export_ebs_volume_recommendations: Exports optimization recommendations for Amazon EBS volumes


Exports optimization recommendations for Amazon EBS volumes.

See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/computeoptimizer_export_ebs_volume_recommendations/ for full documentation.


  accountIds = NULL,
  filters = NULL,
  fieldsToExport = NULL,
  fileFormat = NULL,
  includeMemberAccounts = NULL



The IDs of the Amazon Web Services accounts for which to export Amazon EBS volume recommendations.

If your account is the management account of an organization, use this parameter to specify the member account for which you want to export recommendations.

This parameter cannot be specified together with the include member accounts parameter. The parameters are mutually exclusive.

Recommendations for member accounts are not included in the export if this parameter, or the include member accounts parameter, is omitted.

You can specify multiple account IDs per request.


An array of objects to specify a filter that exports a more specific set of Amazon EBS volume recommendations.


The recommendations data to include in the export file. For more information about the fields that can be exported, see Exported files in the Compute Optimizer User Guide.




The format of the export file.

The only export file format currently supported is Csv.


Indicates whether to include recommendations for resources in all member accounts of the organization if your account is the management account of an organization.

The member accounts must also be opted in to Compute Optimizer, and trusted access for Compute Optimizer must be enabled in the organization account. For more information, see Compute Optimizer and Amazon Web Services Organizations trusted access in the Compute Optimizer User Guide.

Recommendations for member accounts of the organization are not included in the export file if this parameter is omitted.

This parameter cannot be specified together with the account IDs parameter. The parameters are mutually exclusive.

Recommendations for member accounts are not included in the export if this parameter, or the account IDs parameter, is omitted.