Updates an Amazon EKS managed node group configuration. Your node group continues to function during the update. The response output includes an update ID that you can use to track the status of your node group update with the describe_update
API operation. Currently you can update the Kubernetes labels for a node group or the scaling configuration.
See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/eks_update_nodegroup_config/ for full documentation.
labels = NULL,
taints = NULL,
scalingConfig = NULL,
updateConfig = NULL,
nodeRepairConfig = NULL,
clientRequestToken = NULL
[required] The name of your cluster.
[required] The name of the managed node group to update.
The Kubernetes labels
to apply to the nodes in the node group after
the update.
The Kubernetes taints to be applied to the nodes in the node group after the update. For more information, see Node taints on managed node groups.
The scaling configuration details for the Auto Scaling group after the update.
The node group update configuration.
The node auto repair configuration for the node group.
A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request.