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paws.compute (version 0.8.0)

lightsail_update_load_balancer_attribute: Updates the specified attribute for a load balancer


Updates the specified attribute for a load balancer. You can only update one attribute at a time.

See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/lightsail_update_load_balancer_attribute/ for full documentation.





[required] The name of the load balancer that you want to modify (my-load-balancer.


[required] The name of the attribute you want to update.


[required] The value that you want to specify for the attribute name.

The following values are supported depending on what you specify for the attributeName request parameter:

  • If you specify HealthCheckPath for the attributeName request parameter, then the attributeValue request parameter must be the path to ping on the target (for example, /weather/us/wa/seattle).

  • If you specify SessionStickinessEnabled for the attributeName request parameter, then the attributeValue request parameter must be true to activate session stickiness or false to deactivate session stickiness.

  • If you specify SessionStickiness_LB_CookieDurationSeconds for the attributeName request parameter, then the attributeValue request parameter must be an interger that represents the cookie duration in seconds.

  • If you specify HttpsRedirectionEnabled for the attributeName request parameter, then the attributeValue request parameter must be true to activate HTTP to HTTPS redirection or false to deactivate HTTP to HTTPS redirection.

  • If you specify TlsPolicyName for the attributeName request parameter, then the attributeValue request parameter must be the name of the TLS policy.

    Use the get_load_balancer_tls_policies action to get a list of TLS policy names that you can specify.