Restores the specified table to the specified point in time within
and LatestRestorableDateTime
. You can
restore your table to any point in time during the last 35 days. Any
number of users can execute up to 4 concurrent restores (any type of
restore) in a given account.
When you restore using point in time recovery, DynamoDB restores your table data to the state based on the selected date and time (day:hour:minute:second) to a new table.
Along with data, the following are also included on the new restored table using point in time recovery:
Global secondary indexes (GSIs)
Local secondary indexes (LSIs)
Provisioned read and write capacity
Encryption settings
All these settings come from the current settings of the source table at the time of restore.
You must manually set up the following on the restored table:
Auto scaling policies
IAM policies
Amazon CloudWatch metrics and alarms
Stream settings
Time to Live (TTL) settings
Point in time recovery settings
dynamodb_restore_table_to_point_in_time(SourceTableArn, SourceTableName,
TargetTableName, UseLatestRestorableTime, RestoreDateTime,
BillingModeOverride, GlobalSecondaryIndexOverride,
LocalSecondaryIndexOverride, ProvisionedThroughputOverride,
A list with the following syntax:
TableDescription = list(
AttributeDefinitions = list(
AttributeName = "string",
AttributeType = "S"|"N"|"B"
TableName = "string",
KeySchema = list(
AttributeName = "string",
KeyType = "HASH"|"RANGE"
CreationDateTime = as.POSIXct(
ProvisionedThroughput = list(
LastIncreaseDateTime = as.POSIXct(
LastDecreaseDateTime = as.POSIXct(
NumberOfDecreasesToday = 123,
ReadCapacityUnits = 123,
WriteCapacityUnits = 123
TableSizeBytes = 123,
ItemCount = 123,
TableArn = "string",
TableId = "string",
BillingModeSummary = list(
LastUpdateToPayPerRequestDateTime = as.POSIXct(
LocalSecondaryIndexes = list(
IndexName = "string",
KeySchema = list(
AttributeName = "string",
KeyType = "HASH"|"RANGE"
Projection = list(
ProjectionType = "ALL"|"KEYS_ONLY"|"INCLUDE",
NonKeyAttributes = list(
IndexSizeBytes = 123,
ItemCount = 123,
IndexArn = "string"
GlobalSecondaryIndexes = list(
IndexName = "string",
KeySchema = list(
AttributeName = "string",
KeyType = "HASH"|"RANGE"
Projection = list(
ProjectionType = "ALL"|"KEYS_ONLY"|"INCLUDE",
NonKeyAttributes = list(
Backfilling = TRUE|FALSE,
ProvisionedThroughput = list(
LastIncreaseDateTime = as.POSIXct(
LastDecreaseDateTime = as.POSIXct(
NumberOfDecreasesToday = 123,
ReadCapacityUnits = 123,
WriteCapacityUnits = 123
IndexSizeBytes = 123,
ItemCount = 123,
IndexArn = "string"
StreamSpecification = list(
StreamEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
LatestStreamLabel = "string",
LatestStreamArn = "string",
GlobalTableVersion = "string",
Replicas = list(
RegionName = "string",
ReplicaStatusDescription = "string",
ReplicaStatusPercentProgress = "string",
KMSMasterKeyId = "string",
ProvisionedThroughputOverride = list(
ReadCapacityUnits = 123
GlobalSecondaryIndexes = list(
IndexName = "string",
ProvisionedThroughputOverride = list(
ReadCapacityUnits = 123
ReplicaInaccessibleDateTime = as.POSIXct(
RestoreSummary = list(
SourceBackupArn = "string",
SourceTableArn = "string",
RestoreDateTime = as.POSIXct(
RestoreInProgress = TRUE|FALSE
SSEDescription = list(
SSEType = "AES256"|"KMS",
KMSMasterKeyArn = "string",
InaccessibleEncryptionDateTime = as.POSIXct(
ArchivalSummary = list(
ArchivalDateTime = as.POSIXct(
ArchivalReason = "string",
ArchivalBackupArn = "string"
The DynamoDB table that will be restored. This value is an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Name of the source table that is being restored.
[required] The name of the new table to which it must be restored to.
Restore the table to the latest possible time.
is typically 5 minutes before the current
Time in the past to restore the table to.
The billing mode of the restored table.
List of global secondary indexes for the restored table. The indexes provided should match existing secondary indexes. You can choose to exclude some or all of the indexes at the time of restore.
List of local secondary indexes for the restored table. The indexes provided should match existing secondary indexes. You can choose to exclude some or all of the indexes at the time of restore.
Provisioned throughput settings for the restored table.
The new server-side encryption settings for the restored table.
SourceTableArn = "string",
SourceTableName = "string",
TargetTableName = "string",
UseLatestRestorableTime = TRUE|FALSE,
RestoreDateTime = as.POSIXct(
BillingModeOverride = "PROVISIONED"|"PAY_PER_REQUEST",
GlobalSecondaryIndexOverride = list(
IndexName = "string",
KeySchema = list(
AttributeName = "string",
KeyType = "HASH"|"RANGE"
Projection = list(
ProjectionType = "ALL"|"KEYS_ONLY"|"INCLUDE",
NonKeyAttributes = list(
ProvisionedThroughput = list(
ReadCapacityUnits = 123,
WriteCapacityUnits = 123
LocalSecondaryIndexOverride = list(
IndexName = "string",
KeySchema = list(
AttributeName = "string",
KeyType = "HASH"|"RANGE"
Projection = list(
ProjectionType = "ALL"|"KEYS_ONLY"|"INCLUDE",
NonKeyAttributes = list(
ProvisionedThroughputOverride = list(
ReadCapacityUnits = 123,
WriteCapacityUnits = 123
SSESpecificationOverride = list(
Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
SSEType = "AES256"|"KMS",
KMSMasterKeyId = "string"