Returns information about the last resize operation for the specified
cluster. If no resize operation has ever been initiated for the
specified cluster, a HTTP 404
error is returned. If a resize operation
was initiated and completed, the status of the resize remains as
until the next resize.
A resize operation can be requested using
and specifying a different
number or type of nodes for the cluster.
A list with the following syntax:
TargetNodeType = "string",
TargetNumberOfNodes = 123,
TargetClusterType = "string",
Status = "string",
ImportTablesCompleted = list(
ImportTablesInProgress = list(
ImportTablesNotStarted = list(
AvgResizeRateInMegaBytesPerSecond = 123.0,
TotalResizeDataInMegaBytes = 123,
ProgressInMegaBytes = 123,
ElapsedTimeInSeconds = 123,
EstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds = 123,
ResizeType = "string",
Message = "string",
TargetEncryptionType = "string",
DataTransferProgressPercent = 123.0
[required] The unique identifier of a cluster whose resize progress you are requesting. This parameter is case-sensitive.
By default, resize operations for all clusters defined for an AWS account are returned.
ClusterIdentifier = "string"