Modifies the list of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles that can be used by the cluster to access other AWS services.
A cluster can have up to 10 IAM roles associated at any time.
redshift_modify_cluster_iam_roles(ClusterIdentifier, AddIamRoles,
A list with the following syntax:
Cluster = list(
ClusterIdentifier = "string",
NodeType = "string",
ClusterStatus = "string",
ClusterAvailabilityStatus = "string",
ModifyStatus = "string",
MasterUsername = "string",
DBName = "string",
Endpoint = list(
Address = "string",
Port = 123,
VpcEndpoints = list(
VpcEndpointId = "string"
ClusterCreateTime = as.POSIXct(
AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod = 123,
ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod = 123,
ClusterSecurityGroups = list(
ClusterSecurityGroupName = "string",
Status = "string"
VpcSecurityGroups = list(
VpcSecurityGroupId = "string",
Status = "string"
ClusterParameterGroups = list(
ParameterGroupName = "string",
ParameterApplyStatus = "string",
ClusterParameterStatusList = list(
ParameterName = "string",
ParameterApplyStatus = "string",
ParameterApplyErrorDescription = "string"
ClusterSubnetGroupName = "string",
VpcId = "string",
AvailabilityZone = "string",
PreferredMaintenanceWindow = "string",
PendingModifiedValues = list(
MasterUserPassword = "string",
NodeType = "string",
NumberOfNodes = 123,
ClusterType = "string",
ClusterVersion = "string",
AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod = 123,
ClusterIdentifier = "string",
PubliclyAccessible = TRUE|FALSE,
EnhancedVpcRouting = TRUE|FALSE,
MaintenanceTrackName = "string",
EncryptionType = "string"
ClusterVersion = "string",
AllowVersionUpgrade = TRUE|FALSE,
NumberOfNodes = 123,
PubliclyAccessible = TRUE|FALSE,
Encrypted = TRUE|FALSE,
RestoreStatus = list(
Status = "string",
CurrentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond = 123.0,
SnapshotSizeInMegaBytes = 123,
ProgressInMegaBytes = 123,
ElapsedTimeInSeconds = 123,
EstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds = 123
DataTransferProgress = list(
Status = "string",
CurrentRateInMegaBytesPerSecond = 123.0,
TotalDataInMegaBytes = 123,
DataTransferredInMegaBytes = 123,
EstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds = 123,
ElapsedTimeInSeconds = 123
HsmStatus = list(
HsmClientCertificateIdentifier = "string",
HsmConfigurationIdentifier = "string",
Status = "string"
ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus = list(
DestinationRegion = "string",
RetentionPeriod = 123,
ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod = 123,
SnapshotCopyGrantName = "string"
ClusterPublicKey = "string",
ClusterNodes = list(
NodeRole = "string",
PrivateIPAddress = "string",
PublicIPAddress = "string"
ElasticIpStatus = list(
ElasticIp = "string",
Status = "string"
ClusterRevisionNumber = "string",
Tags = list(
Key = "string",
Value = "string"
KmsKeyId = "string",
EnhancedVpcRouting = TRUE|FALSE,
IamRoles = list(
IamRoleArn = "string",
ApplyStatus = "string"
PendingActions = list(
MaintenanceTrackName = "string",
ElasticResizeNumberOfNodeOptions = "string",
DeferredMaintenanceWindows = list(
DeferMaintenanceIdentifier = "string",
DeferMaintenanceStartTime = as.POSIXct(
DeferMaintenanceEndTime = as.POSIXct(
SnapshotScheduleIdentifier = "string",
SnapshotScheduleState = "MODIFYING"|"ACTIVE"|"FAILED",
ExpectedNextSnapshotScheduleTime = as.POSIXct(
ExpectedNextSnapshotScheduleTimeStatus = "string",
NextMaintenanceWindowStartTime = as.POSIXct(
ResizeInfo = list(
ResizeType = "string",
AllowCancelResize = TRUE|FALSE
AvailabilityZoneRelocationStatus = "string",
ClusterNamespaceArn = "string"
[required] The unique identifier of the cluster for which you want to associate or disassociate IAM roles.
Zero or more IAM roles to associate with the cluster. The roles must be in their Amazon Resource Name (ARN) format. You can associate up to 10 IAM roles with a single cluster in a single request.
Zero or more IAM roles in ARN format to disassociate from the cluster. You can disassociate up to 10 IAM roles from a single cluster in a single request.
ClusterIdentifier = "string",
AddIamRoles = list(
RemoveIamRoles = list(