Exports journal contents within a date and time range from a ledger into a specified Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. A journal export job can write the data objects in either the text or binary representation of Amazon Ion format, or in JSON Lines text format.
See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/qldb_export_journal_to_s3/ for full documentation.
OutputFormat = NULL
[required] The name of the ledger.
[required] The inclusive start date and time for the range of journal contents to export.
The InclusiveStartTime
must be in ISO 8601
date and time format and
in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). For example:
The InclusiveStartTime
must be before ExclusiveEndTime
If you provide an InclusiveStartTime
that is before the ledger's
, Amazon QLDB defaults it to the ledger's
[required] The exclusive end date and time for the range of journal contents to export.
The ExclusiveEndTime
must be in ISO 8601
date and time format and in
Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). For example: 2019-06-13T21:36:34Z
The ExclusiveEndTime
must be less than or equal to the current UTC
date and time.
[required] The configuration settings of the Amazon S3 bucket destination for your export request.
[required] The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that grants QLDB permissions for a journal export job to do the following:
Write objects into your Amazon S3 bucket.
(Optional) Use your customer managed key in Key Management Service (KMS) for server-side encryption of your exported data.
To pass a role to QLDB when requesting a journal export, you must have
permissions to perform the iam:PassRole
action on the IAM role
resource. This is required for all journal export requests.
The output format of your exported journal data. A journal export job can write the data objects in either the text or binary representation of Amazon Ion format, or in JSON Lines text format.
Default: ION_TEXT
In JSON Lines format, each journal block in an exported data object is a valid JSON object that is delimited by a newline. You can use this format to directly integrate JSON exports with analytics tools such as Amazon Athena and Glue because these services can parse newline-delimited JSON automatically.