Lists objects attached to the specified index.
clouddirectory_list_index(DirectoryArn, RangesOnIndexedValues,
IndexReference, MaxResults, NextToken, ConsistencyLevel)
[required] The ARN of the directory that the index exists in.
Specifies the ranges of indexed values that you want to query.
[required] The reference to the index to list.
The maximum number of objects in a single page to retrieve from the index during a request. For more information, see Amazon Cloud Directory Limits.
The pagination token.
The consistency level to execute the request at.
svc$list_index( DirectoryArn = "string", RangesOnIndexedValues = list( list( AttributeKey = list( SchemaArn = "string", FacetName = "string", Name = "string" ), Range = list( StartMode = "FIRST"|"LAST"|"LAST_BEFORE_MISSING_VALUES"|"INCLUSIVE"|"EXCLUSIVE", StartValue = list( StringValue = "string", BinaryValue = raw, BooleanValue = TRUE|FALSE, NumberValue = "string", DatetimeValue = as.POSIXct( "2015-01-01" ) ), EndMode = "FIRST"|"LAST"|"LAST_BEFORE_MISSING_VALUES"|"INCLUSIVE"|"EXCLUSIVE", EndValue = list( StringValue = "string", BinaryValue = raw, BooleanValue = TRUE|FALSE, NumberValue = "string", DatetimeValue = as.POSIXct( "2015-01-01" ) ) ) ) ), IndexReference = list( Selector = "string" ), MaxResults = 123, NextToken = "string", ConsistencyLevel = "SERIALIZABLE"|"EVENTUAL" )