Creates an AWS Firewall Manager policy.
[required] The details of the AWS Firewall Manager policy to be created.
svc$put_policy( Policy = list( PolicyId = "string", PolicyName = "string", PolicyUpdateToken = "string", SecurityServicePolicyData = list( Type = "WAF"|"SHIELD_ADVANCED", ManagedServiceData = "string" ), ResourceType = "string", ResourceTypeList = list( "string" ), ResourceTags = list( list( Key = "string", Value = "string" ) ), ExcludeResourceTags = TRUE|FALSE, RemediationEnabled = TRUE|FALSE, IncludeMap = list( list( "string" ) ), ExcludeMap = list( list( "string" ) ) ) )
Firewall Manager provides two types of policies: A Shield Advanced policy, which applies Shield Advanced protection to specified accounts and resources, or a WAF policy, which contains a rule group and defines which resources are to be protected by that rule group. A policy is specific to either WAF or Shield Advanced. If you want to enforce both WAF rules and Shield Advanced protection across accounts, you can create multiple policies. You can create one or more policies for WAF rules, and one or more policies for Shield Advanced.
You must be subscribed to Shield Advanced to create a Shield Advanced policy. For more information on subscribing to Shield Advanced, see CreateSubscription.