Create a new ThreatIntelSet. ThreatIntelSets consist of known malicious IP addresses. GuardDuty generates findings based on ThreatIntelSets.
guardduty_create_threat_intel_set(Activate, ClientToken, DetectorId,
Format, Location, Name)
[required] A boolean value that indicates whether GuardDuty is to start using the uploaded ThreatIntelSet.
The idempotency token for the create request.
[required] The unique ID of the detector that you want to update.
[required] The format of the file that contains the ThreatIntelSet.
[required] The URI of the file that contains the ThreatIntelSet. For example (
[required] A user-friendly ThreatIntelSet name that is displayed in all finding generated by activity that involves IP addresses included in this ThreatIntelSet.
svc$create_threat_intel_set( Activate = TRUE|FALSE, ClientToken = "string", DetectorId = "string", Format = "TXT"|"STIX"|"OTX_CSV"|"ALIEN_VAULT"|"PROOF_POINT"|"FIRE_EYE", Location = "string", Name = "string" )