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paws.security.identity (version 0.1.0)

secretsmanager_put_resource_policy: Attaches the contents of the specified resource-based permission policy to a secret


Attaches the contents of the specified resource-based permission policy to a secret. A resource-based policy is optional. Alternatively, you can use IAM identity-based policies that specify the secret's Amazon Resource Name (ARN) in the policy statement's Resources element. You can also use a combination of both identity-based and resource-based policies. The affected users and roles receive the permissions that are permitted by all of the relevant policies. For more information, see Using Resource-Based Policies for AWS Secrets Manager. For the complete description of the AWS policy syntax and grammar, see IAM JSON Policy Reference in the IAM User Guide.


secretsmanager_put_resource_policy(SecretId, ResourcePolicy)



[required] Specifies the secret that you want to attach the resource-based policy to. You can specify either the ARN or the friendly name of the secret.

If you specify an ARN, we generally recommend that you specify a complete ARN. You can specify a partial ARN too---for example, if you don't include the final hyphen and six random characters that Secrets Manager adds at the end of the ARN when you created the secret. A partial ARN match can work as long as it uniquely matches only one secret. However, if your secret has a name that ends in a hyphen followed by six characters (before Secrets Manager adds the hyphen and six characters to the ARN) and you try to use that as a partial ARN, then those characters cause Secrets Manager to assume that you're specifying a complete ARN. This confusion can cause unexpected results. To avoid this situation, we recommend that you don't create secret names that end with a hyphen followed by six characters.


[required] A JSON-formatted string that's constructed according to the grammar and syntax for an AWS resource-based policy. The policy in the string identifies who can access or manage this secret and its versions. For information on how to format a JSON parameter for the various command line tool environments, see Using JSON for Parameters in the AWS CLI User Guide.

Request syntax

  SecretId = "string",
  ResourcePolicy = "string"


Minimum permissions

To run this command, you must have the following permissions:

  • secretsmanager:PutResourcePolicy

Related operations

  • To retrieve the resource policy that's attached to a secret, use GetResourcePolicy.

  • To delete the resource-based policy that's attached to a secret, use DeleteResourcePolicy.

  • To list all of the currently available secrets, use ListSecrets.


Run this code
# The following example shows how to add a resource-based policy to a
# secret.
# }
  ResourcePolicy = "{\n\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\n\"Statement\":[{\n\"Effect\":\"Allow\",...",
  SecretId = "MyTestDatabaseSecret"
# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab