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paws.security.identity (version 0.1.0)

secretsmanager_untag_resource: Removes one or more tags from the specified secret


Removes one or more tags from the specified secret.


secretsmanager_untag_resource(SecretId, TagKeys)



[required] The identifier for the secret that you want to remove tags from. You can specify either the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or the friendly name of the secret.

If you specify an ARN, we generally recommend that you specify a complete ARN. You can specify a partial ARN too---for example, if you don't include the final hyphen and six random characters that Secrets Manager adds at the end of the ARN when you created the secret. A partial ARN match can work as long as it uniquely matches only one secret. However, if your secret has a name that ends in a hyphen followed by six characters (before Secrets Manager adds the hyphen and six characters to the ARN) and you try to use that as a partial ARN, then those characters cause Secrets Manager to assume that you're specifying a complete ARN. This confusion can cause unexpected results. To avoid this situation, we recommend that you don't create secret names that end with a hyphen followed by six characters.


[required] A list of tag key names to remove from the secret. You don't specify the value. Both the key and its associated value are removed.

This parameter to the API requires a JSON text string argument. For information on how to format a JSON parameter for the various command line tool environments, see Using JSON for Parameters in the AWS CLI User Guide.

Request syntax

  SecretId = "string",
  TagKeys = list(


This operation is idempotent. If a requested tag is not attached to the secret, no error is returned and the secret metadata is unchanged.

If you use tags as part of your security strategy, then removing a tag can change permissions. If successfully completing this operation would result in you losing your permissions for this secret, then the operation is blocked and returns an Access Denied error.

Minimum permissions

To run this command, you must have the following permissions:

  • secretsmanager:UntagResource

Related operations

  • To add one or more tags to the collection attached to a secret, use TagResource.

  • To view the list of tags attached to a secret, use DescribeSecret.


Run this code
# The following example shows how to remove two tags from a secret's
# metadata. For each, both the tag and the associated value are removed.
# There is no output from this API. To see the result, use the
# DescribeSecret operation.
# }
  SecretId = "MyTestDatabaseSecret",
  TagKeys = list(
# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab