Imports security findings that are generated by the integrated third-party products into Security Hub.
[required] A list of findings that you want to import. Must be submitted in the AWSSecurityFinding format.
svc$batch_import_findings( Findings = list( list( SchemaVersion = "string", Id = "string", ProductArn = "string", GeneratorId = "string", AwsAccountId = "string", Types = list( "string" ), FirstObservedAt = "string", LastObservedAt = "string", CreatedAt = "string", UpdatedAt = "string", Severity = list( Product = 123.0, Normalized = 123 ), Confidence = 123, Criticality = 123, Title = "string", Description = "string", Remediation = list( Recommendation = list( Text = "string", Url = "string" ) ), SourceUrl = "string", ProductFields = list( "string" ), UserDefinedFields = list( "string" ), Malware = list( list( Name = "string", Type = "ADWARE"|"BLENDED_THREAT"|"BOTNET_AGENT"|"COIN_MINER"|"EXPLOIT_KIT"|"KEYLOGGER"|"MACRO"|"POTENTIALLY_UNWANTED"|"SPYWARE"|"RANSOMWARE"|"REMOTE_ACCESS"|"ROOTKIT"|"TROJAN"|"VIRUS"|"WORM", Path = "string", State = "OBSERVED"|"REMOVAL_FAILED"|"REMOVED" ) ), Network = list( Direction = "IN"|"OUT", Protocol = "string", SourceIpV4 = "string", SourceIpV6 = "string", SourcePort = 123, SourceDomain = "string", SourceMac = "string", DestinationIpV4 = "string", DestinationIpV6 = "string", DestinationPort = 123, DestinationDomain = "string" ), Process = list( Name = "string", Path = "string", Pid = 123, ParentPid = 123, LaunchedAt = "string", TerminatedAt = "string" ), ThreatIntelIndicators = list( list( Type = "DOMAIN"|"EMAIL_ADDRESS"|"HASH_MD5"|"HASH_SHA1"|"HASH_SHA256"|"HASH_SHA512"|"IPV4_ADDRESS"|"IPV6_ADDRESS"|"MUTEX"|"PROCESS"|"URL", Value = "string", Category = "BACKDOOR"|"CARD_STEALER"|"COMMAND_AND_CONTROL"|"DROP_SITE"|"EXPLOIT_SITE"|"KEYLOGGER", LastObservedAt = "string", Source = "string", SourceUrl = "string" ) ), Resources = list( list( Type = "string", Id = "string", Partition = "aws"|"aws-cn"|"aws-us-gov", Region = "string", Tags = list( "string" ), Details = list( AwsEc2Instance = list( Type = "string", ImageId = "string", IpV4Addresses = list( "string" ), IpV6Addresses = list( "string" ), KeyName = "string", IamInstanceProfileArn = "string", VpcId = "string", SubnetId = "string", LaunchedAt = "string" ), AwsS3Bucket = list( OwnerId = "string", OwnerName = "string" ), AwsIamAccessKey = list( UserName = "string", Status = "Active"|"Inactive", CreatedAt = "string" ), Container = list( Name = "string", ImageId = "string", ImageName = "string", LaunchedAt = "string" ), Other = list( "string" ) ) ) ), Compliance = list( Status = "PASSED"|"WARNING"|"FAILED"|"NOT_AVAILABLE" ), VerificationState = "UNKNOWN"|"TRUE_POSITIVE"|"FALSE_POSITIVE"|"BENIGN_POSITIVE", WorkflowState = "NEW"|"ASSIGNED"|"IN_PROGRESS"|"DEFERRED"|"RESOLVED", RecordState = "ACTIVE"|"ARCHIVED", RelatedFindings = list( list( ProductArn = "string", Id = "string" ) ), Note = list( Text = "string", UpdatedBy = "string", UpdatedAt = "string" ) ) ) )