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paws.security.identity (version 0.7.0)

kms_get_key_policy: Gets a key policy attached to the specified KMS key


Gets a key policy attached to the specified KMS key.

See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/kms_get_key_policy/ for full documentation.


kms_get_key_policy(KeyId, PolicyName = NULL)



[required] Gets the key policy for the specified KMS key.

Specify the key ID or key ARN of the KMS key.

For example:

  • Key ID: 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab

  • Key ARN: arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab

To get the key ID and key ARN for a KMS key, use list_keys or describe_key.


Specifies the name of the key policy. If no policy name is specified, the default value is default. The only valid name is default. To get the names of key policies, use list_key_policies.