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paws.security.identity (version 0.7.0)

securityhub_update_configuration_policy: Updates a configuration policy


Updates a configuration policy. Only the Security Hub delegated administrator can invoke this operation from the home Region.

See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/securityhub_update_configuration_policy/ for full documentation.


  Name = NULL,
  Description = NULL,
  UpdatedReason = NULL,
  ConfigurationPolicy = NULL



[required] The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or universally unique identifier (UUID) of the configuration policy.


The name of the configuration policy. Alphanumeric characters and the following ASCII characters are permitted: -, ., !, *, /.


The description of the configuration policy.


The reason for updating the configuration policy.


An object that defines how Security Hub is configured. It includes whether Security Hub is enabled or disabled, a list of enabled security standards, a list of enabled or disabled security controls, and a list of custom parameter values for specified controls. If you provide a list of security controls that are enabled in the configuration policy, Security Hub disables all other controls (including newly released controls). If you provide a list of security controls that are disabled in the configuration policy, Security Hub enables all other controls (including newly released controls).

When updating a configuration policy, provide a complete list of standards that you want to enable and a complete list of controls that you want to enable or disable. The updated configuration replaces the current configuration.