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paws.security.identity (version 0.8.0)

inspector2_list_members: List members associated with the Amazon Inspector delegated administrator for your organization


List members associated with the Amazon Inspector delegated administrator for your organization.

See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/inspector2_list_members/ for full documentation.


  maxResults = NULL,
  nextToken = NULL,
  onlyAssociated = NULL



The maximum number of results the response can return. If your request would return more than the maximum the response will return a nextToken value, use this value when you call the action again to get the remaining results.


A token to use for paginating results that are returned in the response. Set the value of this parameter to null for the first request to a list action. If your response returns more than the maxResults maximum value it will also return a nextToken value. For subsequent calls, use the nextToken value returned from the previous request to continue listing results after the first page.


Specifies whether to list only currently associated members if True or to list all members within the organization if False.