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paws.storage (version 0.7.0)

finspacedata_create_permission_group: Creates a group of permissions for various actions that a user can perform in FinSpace


Creates a group of permissions for various actions that a user can perform in FinSpace.

See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/finspacedata_create_permission_group/ for full documentation.


  description = NULL,
  clientToken = NULL



[required] The name of the permission group.


A brief description for the permission group.


[required] The option to indicate FinSpace application permissions that are granted to a specific group.

When assigning application permissions, be aware that the permission ManageUsersAndGroups allows users to grant themselves or others access to any functionality in their FinSpace environment's application. It should only be granted to trusted users.

  • create_dataset – Group members can create new datasets.

  • ManageClusters – Group members can manage Apache Spark clusters from FinSpace notebooks.

  • ManageUsersAndGroups – Group members can manage users and permission groups. This is a privileged permission that allows users to grant themselves or others access to any functionality in the application. It should only be granted to trusted users.

  • ManageAttributeSets – Group members can manage attribute sets.

  • ViewAuditData – Group members can view audit data.

  • AccessNotebooks – Group members will have access to FinSpace notebooks.

  • GetTemporaryCredentials – Group members can get temporary API credentials.


A token that ensures idempotency. This token expires in 10 minutes.