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paws.storage (version 0.7.0)

s3control_get_data_access: Returns a temporary access credential from S3 Access Grants to the grantee or client application


Returns a temporary access credential from S3 Access Grants to the grantee or client application. The temporary credential is an Amazon Web Services STS token that grants them access to the S3 data.

See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/s3control_get_data_access/ for full documentation.


  DurationSeconds = NULL,
  Privilege = NULL,
  TargetType = NULL



[required] The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that is making this request.


[required] The S3 URI path of the data to which you are requesting temporary access credentials. If the requesting account has an access grant for this data, S3 Access Grants vends temporary access credentials in the response.


[required] The type of permission granted to your S3 data, which can be set to one of the following values:

  • READ – Grant read-only access to the S3 data.

  • WRITE – Grant write-only access to the S3 data.

  • READWRITE – Grant both read and write access to the S3 data.


The session duration, in seconds, of the temporary access credential that S3 Access Grants vends to the grantee or client application. The default value is 1 hour, but the grantee can specify a range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to 43200 seconds (12 hours). If the grantee requests a value higher than this maximum, the operation fails.


The scope of the temporary access credential that S3 Access Grants vends to the grantee or client application.

  • Default – The scope of the returned temporary access token is the scope of the grant that is closest to the target scope.

  • Minimal – The scope of the returned temporary access token is the same as the requested target scope as long as the requested scope is the same as or a subset of the grant scope.


The type of Target. The only possible value is Object. Pass this value if the target data that you would like to access is a path to an object. Do not pass this value if the target data is a bucket or a bucket and a prefix.