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paws.storage (version 0.7.0)

s3outposts_list_outposts_with_s3: Lists the Outposts with S3 on Outposts capacity for your Amazon Web Services account


Lists the Outposts with S3 on Outposts capacity for your Amazon Web Services account. Includes S3 on Outposts that you have access to as the Outposts owner, or as a shared user from Resource Access Manager (RAM).

See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/s3outposts_list_outposts_with_s3/ for full documentation.


s3outposts_list_outposts_with_s3(NextToken = NULL, MaxResults = NULL)



When you can get additional results from the list_outposts_with_s3 call, a NextToken parameter is returned in the output. You can then pass in a subsequent command to the NextToken parameter to continue listing additional Outposts.


The maximum number of Outposts to return. The limit is 100.