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paws.storage (version 0.7.0)

storagegateway_delete_file_share: Deletes a file share from an S3 File Gateway


Deletes a file share from an S3 File Gateway. This operation is only supported for S3 File Gateways.

See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/storagegateway_delete_file_share/ for full documentation.


storagegateway_delete_file_share(FileShareARN, ForceDelete = NULL)



[required] The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the file share to be deleted.


If this value is set to true, the operation deletes a file share immediately and aborts all data uploads to Amazon Web Services. Otherwise, the file share is not deleted until all data is uploaded to Amazon Web Services. This process aborts the data upload process, and the file share enters the FORCE_DELETING status.

Valid Values: true | false