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paws.storage (version 0.7.0)

storagegateway_list_file_shares: Gets a list of the file shares for a specific S3 File Gateway, or the list of file shares that belong to the calling Amazon Web Services account


Gets a list of the file shares for a specific S3 File Gateway, or the list of file shares that belong to the calling Amazon Web Services account. This operation is only supported for S3 File Gateways.

See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/storagegateway_list_file_shares/ for full documentation.


storagegateway_list_file_shares(GatewayARN = NULL, Limit = NULL, Marker = NULL)



The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway whose file shares you want to list. If this field is not present, all file shares under your account are listed.


The maximum number of file shares to return in the response. The value must be an integer with a value greater than zero. Optional.


Opaque pagination token returned from a previous ListFileShares operation. If present, Marker specifies where to continue the list from after a previous call to ListFileShares. Optional.