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paws.storage (version 0.7.0)

storagegateway_list_tape_pools: Lists custom tape pools


Lists custom tape pools. You specify custom tape pools to list by specifying one or more custom tape pool Amazon Resource Names (ARNs). If you don't specify a custom tape pool ARN, the operation lists all custom tape pools.

See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/storagegateway_list_tape_pools/ for full documentation.


storagegateway_list_tape_pools(PoolARNs = NULL, Marker = NULL, Limit = NULL)



The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of each of the custom tape pools you want to list. If you don't specify a custom tape pool ARN, the response lists all custom tape pools.


A string that indicates the position at which to begin the returned list of tape pools.


An optional number limit for the tape pools in the list returned by this call.