Solves the linear least squares problem, which is to find an x
(possibly non-uniquely) such that || Ax - b ||^2 is minimized, where
is a given n-by-p model matrix, b
is a "right hand side"
n-by-1 vector (multiple right hand sides can be solved at once, but the
solutions are independent, i.e. not simultaneous), and "||" is the l2 norm.
Uses level 3 PBLAS and ScaLAPACK routines (modified PDGELS) to get a linear
least squares solution, using the 'limited pivoting strategy' from R's
DQRDC2 (unsed in DQRLS) routine as a way of dealing with (possibly) rank
deficient model matrices.
A model matrix with many dependent columns will likely experience poor
performance, especially at scale, due to all the data swapping that must
occur to handle rank deficiency.