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pcalg (version 2.7-0)

ParDAG-class: Class "ParDAG" of Parametric Causal Models


This virtual base class represents a parametric causal model.



new("ParDAG", nodes, in.edges, params)


Vector of node names; cf. also field .nodes.


A list of length p consisting of index vectors indicating the edges pointing into the nodes of the DAG.


A list of length p consisting of parameter vectors modeling the conditional distribution of a node given its parents; cf. also field .params.



Vector of node names; defaults to as.character(1:p), where p denotes the number of nodes (variables) of the model.


A list of length p consisting of index vectors indicating the edges pointing into the nodes of the DAG.


A list of length p consisting of parameter vectors modeling the conditional distribution of a node given its parents. The entries of the parameter vectors only get a concrete meaning in derived classes belonging to specific parametric model classes.

Class-Based Methods


Yields the number of nodes (variables) of the model.

simulate(n, target, int.level):

Generates \(n\) (observational or interventional) samples from the parametric causal model. The intervention target to be used is specified by the parameter target; if the target is empty (target = integer(0)), observational samples are generated. int.level indicates the values of the intervened variables; if it is a vector of the same length as target, all samples are drawn from the same intervention levels; if it is a matrix with \(n\) rows and as many columns as target has entries, its rows are interpreted as individual intervention levels for each sample.


Yields the number of edges (arrows) in the DAG.


Fits the parameters using an appropriate '>Score object.



signature(x = "ParDAG", y = "ANY"): plots the underlying DAG of the causal model. Parameters are not visualized.


The class "ParDAG" serves as a basis for simulating observational and/or interventional data from causal models as well as for parameter estimation (maximum-likelihood estimation) for a given causal model in the presence of a data set with jointly observational and interventional data.

The virtual base class "ParDAG" provides a “skeleton” for all functions relied to the aforementioned task. In practical cases, a user may always choose an appropriate class derived from ParDAG which represents a specific parametric model class. The base class itself does not represent such a model class.

See Also
