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pcalg (version 2.7-0)

addBgKnowledge: Add background knowledge to a CPDAG or PDAG


Add background knowledge x -> y to an adjacency matrix and complete the orientation rules from Meek (1995).


addBgKnowledge(gInput, x = c(), y = c(), verbose = FALSE, checkInput = TRUE)



graphNEL object or adjacency matrix of type amat.cpdag (see amatType)


node labels of x or y in the adjacency matrix. x and y can be vectors representing several nodes (see details below).


If TRUE, detailed output is provided.


If TRUE, the input adjacency matrix is carefully checked to see if it is a valid graph using function isValidGraph


An adjacency matrix of type amat.cpdag of the maximally oriented pdag with added background knowledge x -> y or NULL, if the backgound knowledge is not consistent with any DAG represented by the PDAG with the adjacency matrix amat.


If the input is a graphNEL object, it will be converted into an adjacency matrix of type amat.cpdag. If x and y are given and if amat[y,x] != 0, this function adds orientation x -> y to the adjacency matrix amat and completes the orientation rules from Meek (1995). If x and y are not specified (or empty vectors) this function simply completes the orientation rules from Meek (1995). If x and y are vectors of length k, k>1, this function tries to add x[i] -> y[i] to the adjacency matrix amat and complete the orientation rules from Meek (1995) for every i in 1,...,k (see Algorithm 1 in Perkovic et. al, 2017).


C. Meek (1995). Causal inference and causal explanation with background knowledge, In Proceedings of UAI 1995, 403-410.

E. Perkovic, M. Kalisch and M.H. Maathuis (2017). Interpreting and using CPDAGs with background knowledge. In Proceedings of UAI 2017.


Run this code
## a -- b -- c
amat <- matrix(c(0,1,0, 1,0,1, 0,1,0), 3,3)
colnames(amat) <- rownames(amat) <- letters[1:3]
## plot(as(t(amat), "graphNEL"))             
addBgKnowledge(gInput = amat) ## amat is a valid CPDAG
## b -> c is directed; a -- b is not directed by applying
## Meek's orientation rules
bg1 <- addBgKnowledge(gInput = amat, x = "b", y = "c") 
## plot(as(t(bg1), "graphNEL"))
## b -> c and b -> a are directed
bg2 <- addBgKnowledge(gInput = amat, x = c("b","b"), y = c("c","a")) 
## plot(as(t(bg2), "graphNEL")) 

## c -> b is directed; as a consequence of Meek's orientation rules,
## b -> a is directed as well
bg3 <- addBgKnowledge(gInput = amat, x = "c", y = "b") 
## plot(as(t(bg3), "graphNEL")) 

amat2 <- matrix(c(0,1,0, 1,0,1, 0,1,0), 3,3)
colnames(amat2) <- rownames(amat2) <- letters[1:3]
## new collider is inconsistent with original CPDAG; thus, NULL is returned
addBgKnowledge(gInput = amat2, x = c("c", "a"), y = c("b", "b"))

# }

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