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pcalg (version 2.7-0)

pc: Estimate the Equivalence Class of a DAG using the PC Algorithm


Estimate the equivalence class of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) from observational data, using the PC-algorithm.


pc(suffStat, indepTest, alpha, labels, p,
   fixedGaps = NULL, fixedEdges = NULL, NAdelete = TRUE, m.max = Inf,
   u2pd = c("relaxed", "rand", "retry"),
   skel.method = c("stable", "original", "stable.fast"),
   conservative = FALSE, maj.rule = FALSE, solve.confl = FALSE, 
   numCores = 1, verbose = FALSE)



A list of sufficient statistics, containing all necessary elements for the conditional independence decisions in the function indepTest.


A function for testing conditional independence. It is internally called as indepTest(x,y,S,suffStat), and tests conditional independence of x and y given S. Here, x and y are variables, and S is a (possibly empty) vector of variables (all variables are denoted by their (integer) column positions in the adjacency matrix). suffStat is a list, see the argument above. The return value of indepTest is the p-value of the test for conditional independence.


significance level (number in \((0,1)\) for the individual conditional independence tests.


(optional) character vector of variable (or “node”) names. Typically preferred to specifying p.


(optional) number of variables (or nodes). May be specified if labels are not, in which case labels is set to 1:p.


Specifies the number of cores to be used for parallel estimation of skeleton.


If TRUE, detailed output is provided.


A logical matrix of dimension p*p. If entry [i,j] or [j,i] (or both) are TRUE, the edge i-j is removed before starting the algorithm. Therefore, this edge is guaranteed to be absent in the resulting graph.


A logical matrix of dimension p*p. If entry [i,j] or [j,i] (or both) are TRUE, the edge i-j is never considered for removal. Therefore, this edge is guaranteed to be present in the resulting graph.


If indepTest returns NA and this option is TRUE, the corresponding edge is deleted. If this option is FALSE, the edge is not deleted.


Maximal size of the conditioning sets that are considered in the conditional independence tests.


String specifying the method for dealing with conflicting information when trying to orient edges (see details below).


Character string specifying method; the default, "stable" provides an order-independent skeleton, see skeleton.


Logical indicating if the conservative PC is used. In this case, only option u2pd = "relaxed" is supported. Note that therefore the resulting object might not be extendable to a DAG. See details for more information.


Logical indicating that the triples shall be checked for ambiguity using a majority rule idea, which is less strict than the conservative PC algorithm. For more information, see details.


If TRUE, the orientation of the v-structures and the orientation rules work with lists for candidate sets and allow bi-directed edges to resolve conflicting edge orientations. In this case, only option u2pd = relaxed is supported. Note, that therefore the resulting object might not be a CPDAG because bi-directed edges might be present. See details for more information.


An object of class "pcAlgo" (see '>pcAlgo) containing an estimate of the equivalence class of the underlying DAG.


Under the assumption that the distribution of the observed variables is faithful to a DAG, this function estimates the Markov equivalence class of the DAG. We do not estimate the DAG itself, because this is typically impossible (even with an infinite amount of data), since different DAGs can describe the same conditional independence relationships. Since all DAGs in an equivalence class describe the same conditional independence relationships, they are equally valid ways to describe the conditional dependence structure that was given as input.

All DAGs in a Markov equivalence class have the same skeleton (i.e., the same adjacency information) and the same v-structures (see definition below). However, the direction of some edges may be undetermined, in the sense that they point one way in one DAG in the equivalence class, while they point the other way in another DAG in the equivalence class.

A Markov equivalence class can be uniquely represented by a completed partially directed acyclic graph (CPDAG). A CPDAG contains undirected and directed edges. The edges have the following interpretation: (i) there is a (directed or undirected) edge between i and j if and only if variables i and j are conditionally dependent given S for all possible subsets S of the remaining nodes; (ii) a directed edge \(i \longrightarrow j\) means that this directed edge is present in all DAGs in the Markov equivalence class; (iii) an undirected edge \(i - j\) means that there is at least one DAG in the Markov equivalence class with edge \(i \longrightarrow j\) and there is at least one DAG in the Markov equivalence class with edge \(i \longleftarrow j\).

The CPDAG is estimated using the PC algorithm (named after its inventors Peter Spirtes and Clark Glymour). The skeleton is estimated by the function skeleton which uses a modified version of the original PC algorithm (see Colombo and Maathuis (2014) for details). The original PC algorithm is known to be order-dependent, in the sense that the output depends on the order in which the variables are given. Therefore, Colombo and Maathuis (2014) proposed a simple modification, called PC-stable, that yields order-independent adjacencies in the skeleton (see the help file of this function for details). Subsequently, as many edges as possible are oriented. This is done in two steps. It is important to note that if no further actions are taken (see below) these two steps still remain order-dependent.

The edges are oriented as follows. First, the algorithm considers all triples (a,b,c), where \(a\) and \(b\) are adjacent, \(b\) and \(c\) are adjacent, but \(a\) and \(c\) are not adjacent. For all such triples, we direct both edges towards \(b\) (\(a \longrightarrow b \longleftarrow c\)) if and only if \(b\) was not part of the conditioning set that made the edge between \(a\) and \(c\) drop out. These conditioning sets were saved in sepset. The structure \(a \longrightarrow b \longleftarrow c\) is called a v-structure.

After determining all v-structures, there may still be undirected edges. It may be possible to direct some of these edges, since one can deduce that one of the two possible directions of the edge is invalid because it introduces a new v-structure or a directed cycle. Such edges are found by repeatedly applying rules R1-R3 of the PC algorithm as given in Algorithm 2 of Kalisch and B<U+00FC>hlmann (2007). The algorithm stops if none of the rules is applicable to the graph.

The conservative PC algorithm (conservative = TRUE) is a slight variation of the PC algorithm (see Ramsey et al. 2006). After the skeleton is computed, all potential v-structures \(a - b - c\) are checked in the following way. We test whether a and c are independent conditioning on all subsets of the neighbors of \(a\) and all subsets of the neighbors of \(c\). When a subset makes \(a\) and \(c\) conditionally independent, we call it a separating set. If \(b\) is in no such separating set or in all such separating sets, no further action is taken and the usual PC is continued. If, however, \(b\) is in only some separating sets, the triple \(a - b - c\) is marked as 'ambiguous'. Moreover, if no separating set is found among the neighbors, the triple is also marked as 'ambiguous'. An ambiguous triple is not oriented as a v-structure. Furthermore, no further orientation rule that needs to know whether \(a - b - c\) is a v-structure or not is applied. Instead of using the conservative version, which is quite strict towards the v-structures, Colombo and Maathuis (2014) introduced a less strict version for the v-structures called majority rule. This adaptation can be called using maj.rule = TRUE. In this case, the triple \(a - b - c\) is marked as 'ambiguous' if and only if \(b\) is in exactly 50 percent of such separating sets or no separating set was found. If \(b\) is in less than 50 percent of the separating sets it is set as a v-structure, and if in more than 50 percent it is set as a non v-structure (for more details see Colombo and Maathuis, 2014). The usage of both the conservative and the majority rule versions resolve the order-dependence issues of the determination of the v-structures.

Sampling errors (or hidden variables) can lead to conflicting information about edge directions. For example, one may find that \(a - b - c\) and \(b - c - d\) should both be directed as v-structures. This gives conflicting information about the edge \(b - c\), since it should be directed as \(b \longleftarrow c\) in v-structure \(a \longrightarrow b \longleftarrow c\), while it should be directed as \(b \longrightarrow c\) in v-structure \(b \longrightarrow c \longleftarrow d\). With the option solve.confl = FALSE, in such cases, we simply overwrite the directions of the conflicting edge. In the example above this means that we obtain \(a \longrightarrow b \longrightarrow c \longleftarrow d\) if \(a - b - c\) was visited first, and \(a \longrightarrow b \longleftarrow c \longleftarrow d\) if \(b - c - d\) was visited first, meaning that the final orientation on the edge depends on the ordering in which the v-structures were considered. With the option solve.confl = TRUE (which is only supported with option u2pd = "relaxed"), we first generate a list of all (unambiguous) v-structures (in the example above \(a - b - c\) and \(b - c - d\)), and then we simply orient them allowing both directions on the edge \(b - c\), namely we allow the bi-directed edge \(b \leftrightarrow c\) resolving the order-dependence issues on the edge orientations. We denote bi-directed edges in the adjacency matrix \(M\) of the graph as M[b,c] = 2 and M[c,b] = 2. In a similar way, using lists for the candidate edges for each orientation rule and allowing bi-directed edges, the order-dependence issues in the orientation rules can be resolved. Note that bi-directed edges merely represent a conflicting orientation and they should not to be interpreted causally. The useage of these lists for the candidate edges and allowing bi-directed edges resolves the order-dependence issues on the orientation of the v-structures and on the orientation rules, see Colombo and Maathuis (2014) for more details.

Note that calling (conservative = TRUE), or maj.rule = TRUE, together with solve.confl = TRUE produces a fully order-independent output, see Colombo and Maathuis (2014).

Sampling errors, non faithfulness, or hidden variables can also lead to non-extendable CPDAGs, meaning that there does not exist a DAG that has the same skeleton and v-structures as the graph found by the algorithm. An example of this is an undirected cycle consisting of the edges \(a - b - c - d\) and \(d - a\). In this case it is impossible to direct the edges without creating a cycle or a new v-structure. The option u2pd specifies what should be done in such a situation. If the option is set to "relaxed", the algorithm simply outputs the invalid CPDAG. If the option is set to "rand", all direction information is discarded and a random DAG is generated on the skeleton, which is then converted into its CPDAG. If the option is set to "retry", up to 100 combinations of possible directions of the ambiguous edges are tried, and the first combination that results in an extendable CPDAG is chosen. If no valid combination is found, an arbitrary DAG is generated on the skeleton as in the option "rand", and then converted into its CPDAG. Note that the output can also be an invalid CPDAG, in the sense that it cannot arise from the oracle PC algorithm, but be extendible to a DAG, for example \(a \longrightarrow b \longleftarrow c \longleftarrow d\). In this case, u2pd is not used.

Using the function isValidGraph one can check if the final output is indeed a valid CPDAG.

Notes: (1) Throughout, the algorithm works with the column positions of the variables in the adjacency matrix, and not with the names of the variables. (2) When plotting the object, undirected and bidirected edges are equivalent.


D. Colombo and M.H. Maathuis (2014).Order-independent constraint-based causal structure learning. Journal of Machine Learning Research 15 3741-3782.

M. Kalisch, M. Maechler, D. Colombo, M.H. Maathuis and P. Buehlmann (2012). Causal Inference Using Graphical Models with the R Package pcalg. Journal of Statistical Software 47(11) 1--26, https://www.jstatsoft.org/v47/i11/.

M. Kalisch and P. Buehlmann (2007). Estimating high-dimensional directed acyclic graphs with the PC-algorithm. JMLR 8 613-636.

J. Ramsey, J. Zhang and P. Spirtes (2006). Adjacency-faithfulness and conservative causal inference. In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. AUAI Press, Arlington, VA.

P. Spirtes, C. Glymour and R. Scheines (2000). Causation, Prediction, and Search, 2nd edition. The MIT Press.

See Also

skeleton for estimating a skeleton of a DAG; udag2pdag for converting the skeleton to a CPDAG; gaussCItest, disCItest, binCItest and dsepTest as examples for indepTest. isValidGraph for testing whether the output is a valid CPDAG.


Run this code
## Using Gaussian Data
## Load predefined data
n <- nrow    (gmG8$ x)
V <- colnames(gmG8$ x) # labels aka node names

## estimate CPDAG
pc.fit <- pc(suffStat = list(C = cor(gmG8$x), n = n),
             indepTest = gaussCItest, ## indep.test: partial correlations
             alpha=0.01, labels = V, verbose = TRUE)
if (require(Rgraphviz)) {
  ## show estimated CPDAG
  plot(pc.fit, main = "Estimated CPDAG")
  plot(gmG8$g, main = "True DAG")
## Using d-separation oracle
## define sufficient statistics (d-separation oracle)
suffStat <- list(g = gmG8$g, jp = RBGL::johnson.all.pairs.sp(gmG8$g))
## estimate CPDAG
fit <- pc(suffStat, indepTest = dsepTest, labels = V,
          alpha= 0.01) ## value is irrelevant as dsepTest returns either 0 or 1
if (require(Rgraphviz)) {
  ## show estimated CPDAG
  plot(fit, main = "Estimated CPDAG")
  plot(gmG8$g, main = "True DAG")

## Using discrete data
## Load data
V <- colnames(gmD$x)
## define sufficient statistics
suffStat <- list(dm = gmD$x, nlev = c(3,2,3,4,2), adaptDF = FALSE)
## estimate CPDAG
pc.D <- pc(suffStat,
           ## independence test: G^2 statistic
           indepTest = disCItest, alpha = 0.01, labels = V, verbose = TRUE)
if (require(Rgraphviz)) {
  ## show estimated CPDAG
  par(mfrow = c(1,2))
  plot(pc.D, main = "Estimated CPDAG")
  plot(gmD$g, main = "True DAG")

## Using binary data
## Load binary data
V <- colnames(gmB$x)
## estimate CPDAG
pc.B <- pc(suffStat = list(dm = gmB$x, adaptDF = FALSE),
           indepTest = binCItest, alpha = 0.01, labels = V, verbose = TRUE)
if (require(Rgraphviz)) {
  ## show estimated CPDAG
  plot(pc.B, main = "Estimated CPDAG")
  plot(gmB$g, main = "True DAG")

## Detecting ambiguities due to sampling error
## Load predefined data
n <- nrow    (gmG8$ x)
V <- colnames(gmG8$ x) # labels aka node names

## estimate CPDAG
pc.fit <- pc(suffStat = list(C = cor(gmG8$x), n = n),
             indepTest = gaussCItest, ## indep.test: partial correlations
             alpha=0.01, labels = V, verbose = TRUE)

## due to sampling error, some edges were overwritten:
isValidGraph(as(pc.fit, "amat"), type = "cpdag")

## re-fit with solve.confl = TRUE
pc.fit2 <- pc(suffStat = list(C = cor(gmG8$x), n = n),
             indepTest = gaussCItest, ## indep.test: partial correlations
             alpha=0.01, labels = V, verbose = TRUE,
             solve.confl = TRUE)

## conflicting edge is V5 - V6
as(pc.fit2, "amat")
# }

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