## Simulate the true DAG
p <- 7
myDAG <- randomDAG(p, prob = 0.2) ## true DAG
## Extract the adjacency matrix of the true DAG
true.amat <- (amat <- as(myDAG, "matrix")) != 0 # TRUE/FALSE <==> 1/0
print.table(1*true.amat, zero.=".") # "visualization"
## Compute set satisfying the GBC:
backdoor(true.amat, 5, 7, type="dag")
stopifnot(backdoor(true.amat, 5, 7, type="dag") == 3)
## Example not identifiable
## Maathuis and Colombo (2015), Fig. 3a, p.1072
## create the graph
p <- 5
. <- 0
amat <- rbind(c(.,.,1,1,1),
colnames(amat) <- rownames(amat) <- as.character(1:5)
V <- as.character(1:5)
edL <- vector("list",length=5)
names(edL) <- V
edL[[1]] <- list(edges=c(3,4,5),weights=c(1,1,1))
edL[[2]] <- list(edges=c(3,4,5),weights=c(1,1,1))
edL[[3]] <- list(edges=4,weights=c(1))
edL[[4]] <- list(edges=5,weights=c(1))
g <- new("graphNEL", nodes=V, edgeL=edL, edgemode="directed")
## estimate the true CPDAG
myCPDAG <- dag2cpdag(g)
## Extract the adjacency matrix of the true CPDAG
true.amat <- (as(myCPDAG, "matrix") != 0) # 1/0 <==> TRUE/FALSE
## The effect is not identifiable, in fact:
backdoor(true.amat, 3, 5, type="cpdag")
stopifnot(identical(NA, backdoor(true.amat, 3, 5, type="cpdag")))
## Example identifiable
## Maathuis and Colombo (2015), Fig. 3b, p.1072
## create the graph
p <- 6
amat <- rbind(c(0,0,1,1,0,1), c(0,0,1,1,0,1), c(0,0,0,0,1,0),
c(0,0,0,0,1,1), c(0,0,0,0,0,0), c(0,0,0,0,0,0))
colnames(amat) <- rownames(amat) <- as.character(1:6)
V <- as.character(1:6)
edL <- vector("list",length=6)
names(edL) <- V
edL[[1]] <- list(edges=c(3,4,6),weights=c(1,1,1))
edL[[2]] <- list(edges=c(3,4,6),weights=c(1,1,1))
edL[[3]] <- list(edges=5,weights=c(1))
edL[[4]] <- list(edges=c(5,6),weights=c(1,1))
g <- new("graphNEL", nodes=V, edgeL=edL, edgemode="directed")
## estimate the true CPDAG
myCPDAG <- dag2cpdag(g)
## Extract the adjacency matrix of the true CPDAG
true.amat <- as(myCPDAG, "matrix") != 0
## The effect is identifiable and the set satisfying GBC is:
backdoor(true.amat, 6, 3, type="cpdag")
stopifnot(backdoor(true.amat, 6, 3, type="cpdag") == 1:2)
## Example identifiable
## Maathuis and Colombo (2015), Fig. 5a, p.1075
## create the graph
p <- 7
amat <- t(matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0,0,0, 0,0,1,1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,1,0,1,0,
0,0,0,0,0,0,1, 0,0,0,0,0,1,1, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
0,0,0,0,0,0,0), 7, 7))
colnames(amat) <- rownames(amat) <- as.character(1:7)
V <- as.character(1:7)
edL <- vector("list",length=7)
names(edL) <- V
edL[[1]] <- list(edges=c(3,4),weights=c(1,1))
edL[[2]] <- list(edges=c(3,4),weights=c(1,1))
edL[[3]] <- list(edges=c(4,6),weights=c(1,1))
edL[[4]] <- list(edges=7,weights=c(1))
edL[[5]] <- list(edges=c(6,7),weights=c(1,1))
g <- new("graphNEL", nodes=V, edgeL=edL, edgemode="directed")
L <- 5
## compute the true covariance matrix of g
cov.mat <- trueCov(g)
## transform covariance matrix into a correlation matrix
true.corr <- cov2cor(cov.mat)
suffStat <- list(C=true.corr, n=10^9)
indepTest <- gaussCItest
## estimate the true PAG
true.pag <- dag2pag(suffStat, indepTest, g, L, alpha = 0.9999)@amat
## The effect is identifiable and the backdoor set is:
backdoor(true.pag, 3, 5, type="pag")
stopifnot(backdoor(true.pag, 3, 5, type="pag") == 1:2)
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