## Simulate the true DAG
p <- 7
myDAG <- randomDAG(p, prob = 0.2) ## true DAG
myCPDAG <- dag2cpdag(myDAG) ## true CPDAG
covTrue <- trueCov(myDAG) ## true covariance matrix
## simulate data from the true DAG
n <- 10000
dat <- rmvDAG(n, myDAG)
cov.d <- cov(dat)
## estimate CPDAG (see help on the function "pc")
suffStat <- list(C = cor(dat), n = n)
pc.fit <- pc(suffStat, indepTest = gaussCItest, alpha = 0.01, p=p)
if(require(Rgraphviz)) {
op <- par(mfrow=c(1,3))
plot(myDAG, main="true DAG")
plot(myCPDAG, main="true CPDAG")
plot(pc.fit@graph, main="pc()-estimated CPDAG")
(eff.est1 <- ida(2,5, cov.d, pc.fit@graph))## method = "local" is default
(eff.est2 <- ida(2,6, cov.d, pc.fit@graph))
(eff.est3 <- ida(2,7, cov.d, pc.fit@graph))
## These three computations can be combinded in an efficient way
## by using idaFast :
(eff.estF <- idaFast(2, c(5,6,7), cov.d, pc.fit@graph))
# \dontshow{
stopifnot(all.equal(eff.estF, tolerance = 1e-15,
rbind("5"= eff.est1, "6"= eff.est2, "7"= eff.est3)) ,
all.equal(idaFast(2, c(7,5), covTrue, myCPDAG),
rbind("7"= ida(2, 7, covTrue, myCPDAG),
"5"= ida(2, 5, covTrue, myCPDAG)), tolerance = 1e-15)
# }
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