## Create a weighted DAG
p <- 6
V <- as.character(1:p)
edL <- list(
"1" = list(edges=c(3,4), weights=c(1.1,0.3)),
"2" = list(edges=c(6), weights=c(0.4)),
"3" = list(edges=c(2,4,6),weights=c(0.6,0.8,0.9)),
"4" = list(edges=c(2),weights=c(0.5)),
"5" = list(edges=c(1,4),weights=c(0.2,0.7)),
"6" = NULL)
myDAG <- new("graphNEL", nodes=V, edgeL=edL, edgemode="directed") ## true DAG
myCPDAG <- dag2cpdag(myDAG) ## true CPDAG
myPDAG <- addBgKnowledge(myCPDAG,1,3) ## true PDAG with background knowledge 1 -> 3
covTrue <- trueCov(myDAG) ## true covariance matrix
n <- 1000
## simulate Gaussian data from the true DAG
dat <- if (require("mvtnorm")) {
rmvnorm(n, mean=rep(0,p), sigma=covTrue)
} else readRDS(system.file(package="pcalg", "external", "N_6_1000.rds"))
## estimate CPDAG and PDAG -- see help(pc), help(addBgKnoweldge)
suffStat <- list(C = cor(dat), n = n)
pc.fit <- pc(suffStat, indepTest = gaussCItest, p = p, alpha = 0.01, u2pd="relaxed")
pc.fit.pdag <- addBgKnowledge(pc.fit@graph,1,3)
if (require(Rgraphviz)) {
## plot the true and estimated graphs
par(mfrow = c(1,3))
plot(myDAG, main = "True DAG")
plot(pc.fit, main = "Estimated CPDAG")
plot(pc.fit.pdag, main = "Estimated PDAG")
## Suppose that we know the true CPDAG and covariance matrix
jointIda(x.pos=c(1,2), y.pos=6, covTrue, graphEst=myCPDAG, technique="RRC", type = "cpdag")
jointIda(x.pos=c(1,2), y.pos=6, covTrue, graphEst=myCPDAG, technique="MCD", type = "cpdag")
## Suppose that we know the true PDAG and covariance matrix
jointIda(x.pos=c(1,2), y.pos=6, covTrue, graphEst=myPDAG, technique="RRC", type = "pdag")
jointIda(x.pos=c(1,2), y.pos=6, covTrue, graphEst=myPDAG, technique="MCD", type = "pdag")
## Instead of knowing the true CPDAG or PDAG, it is enough to know only
## the jointly valid parent sets of the intervention variables
## to use RRC or MCD
## all.jointly.valid.pasets:
ajv.pasets <- list(list(5,c(3,4)),list(integer(0),c(3,4)),list(3,c(3,4)))
jointIda(x.pos=c(1,2), y.pos=6, covTrue, all.pasets=ajv.pasets, technique="RRC")
jointIda(x.pos=c(1,2), y.pos=6, covTrue, all.pasets=ajv.pasets, technique="MCD")
## From the true DAG, we can compute the true total joint effects
## using RRC or MCD
cat("Dim covTrue: ", dim(covTrue),"\n")
jointIda(x.pos=c(1,2), y.pos=6, covTrue, graphEst=myDAG, technique="RRC", type = "dag")
jointIda(x.pos=c(1,2), y.pos=6, covTrue, graphEst=myDAG, technique="MCD", type = "dag")
## When working with data, we have to use the estimated CPDAG or PDAG
## and the sample covariance matrix
jointIda(x.pos=c(1,2), y.pos=6, cov(dat), graphEst=pc.fit@graph, technique="RRC", type = "cpdag")
jointIda(x.pos=c(1,2), y.pos=6, cov(dat), graphEst=pc.fit@graph, technique="MCD", type = "cpdag")
jointIda(x.pos=c(1,2), y.pos=6, cov(dat), graphEst=pc.fit.pdag, technique="RRC", type = "pdag")
jointIda(x.pos=c(1,2), y.pos=6, cov(dat), graphEst=pc.fit.pdag, technique="MCD", type = "pdag")
## RRC and MCD can produce different results when working with data
## jointIda also works when x.pos has length 1 and in the following example
## it gives the same result as ida() (see Note)
## When the CPDAG is known
jointIda(x.pos=1, y.pos=6, covTrue, graphEst=myCPDAG, technique="RRC", type = "cpdag")
ida(x.pos=1, y.pos=6, covTrue, graphEst=myCPDAG, method="global", type = "cpdag")
## When the PDAG is known
jointIda(x.pos=1, y.pos=6, covTrue, graphEst=myPDAG, technique="RRC", type = "pdag")
ida(x.pos=1, y.pos=6, covTrue, graphEst=myPDAG, method="global", type = "pdag")
## When the DAG is known
jointIda(x.pos=1, y.pos=6, covTrue, graphEst=myDAG, technique="RRC", type = "dag")
ida(x.pos=1, y.pos=6, covTrue, graphEst=myDAG, method="global")
## Note that, causalEffect(myDAG,y=6,x=1) does not give the correct value in this case,
## since this function requires that the variables are in a causal order.
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