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pchc (version 1.2)

Chi-square and G-square tests of (unconditional) indepdence: Chi-square and G-square tests of (unconditional) indepdence


Chi-square and G-square tests of (unconditional) indepdence.


cat.tests(x, y, logged = FALSE)


A matrix with two rows. In each row the X2 or G2 test statistic, its p-value and the degrees of freedom are returned.



A numerical vector or a factor variable with data. The data must be consecutive numbers.


A numerical vector or a factor variable with data. The data must be consecutive numbers.


Should the p-values be returned (FALSE) or their logarithm (TRUE)?


Michail Tsagris.

R implementation and documentation: Michail Tsagris mtsagris@uoc.gr.


The function calculates the test statistic of the \(X^2\) and the \(G^2\) tests of unconditional independence between x and y. x and y need not be numerical vectors like in g2Test. This function is more close to the spirit of MASS' loglm function which calculates both statistics using Poisson log-linear models (Tsagris, 2017).


Tsagris M. (2021). A new scalable Bayesian network learning algorithm with applications to economics. Computational Economics 57(1): 341-367.

Tsagris M. (2017). Conditional independence test for categorical data using Poisson log-linear model. Journal of Data Science, 15(2): 347-356.

See Also

g2test, cortest, pc.skel


Run this code
x <- rbinom(100, 3, 0.5)
y <- rbinom(100, 2, 0.5)
cat.tests(x, y)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab