## Download the VCF file from Dryad:
## http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.446sv.2
## the VCF file should have this name:
fl <- "global.pop.GATK.SNP.hard.filters.V3.phased_all.pop.maf.05.recode.vcf.gz"
info.fly <- VCFloci(fl)
bks <- seq(0, 1, 0.2)
## LD map from the first 100 loci:
x <- read.vcf(fl, to = 100) # read only 100 loci
res <- LDscan(x)
LDmap(res, info.fly$POS[1:100], bks, scale.legend = 3)
## check the chromosomes:
## LD map from 100 loci randomly distributed on the chromosome:
s <- ceiling(seq(1, 224253, length.out = 100))
xs <- read.vcf(fl, which.loci = s)
res2 <- LDscan(xs)
LDmap(res2, info.fly$POS[s], bks, scale.legend = 3)
## something simpler with 10 loci:
x10 <- x[, 1:10]
## the VCF file has no locus IDs, so we give some here:
names(x10) <- paste0("Loc", 1:10)
res10 <- LDscan(x10, quiet = TRUE)
LDmap(res10, angle = 45, border = NULL)
# }
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