# \donttest{
seed <- 123
train<-sim.data(n = 200, ng = 100, nsg = 10, corr=FALSE, seed=seed )
Q.func<- ".calc.scad"
bounds=t(data.frame(log2lambda1=c(-10, 10)))
colnames(bounds)<-c("lower", "upper")
print("start interval search")
# computation intensive;
# for demostration reasons only for the first 100 features
# and only for 10 iterations maxIter=10, default maxIter=700
system.time(fit<-EPSGO(Q.func, bounds=bounds, parms.coding="log2", fminlower=0,
show='none', N=21, maxevals=500,
pdf.name=NULL, seed=seed,
# Q.func specific parameters:
x.svm=t(train$x)[,1:100], y.svm=train$y,
cross.inner=5, maxIter=10 ))
print(paste("minimal 5-fold cv error:", fit$fmin, "by log2(lambda1)=", fit$xmin))
print(" all lambdas with the same minimum? ")
print(fit$ points.fmin)
print(paste(fit$neval, "visited points"))
print(" overview: over all visitied points in tuning parameter space
with corresponding cv errors")
print(data.frame(Xtrain=fit$Xtrain, cv.error=fit$Ytrain))
# create 3 plots om one screen:
# 1st plot: distribution of initial points in tuning parameter space
# 2nd plot: visited lambda points vs. cv errors
# 3rd plot: the same as the 2nd plot, Ytrain.exclude points are excluded.
# The value cv.error = 10^16 stays for the cv error for an empty model !
.plot.EPSGO.parms (fit$Xtrain, fit$Ytrain,bound=bounds,
Ytrain.exclude=10^16, plot.name=NULL )
# } # end of \donttest
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