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permGPU (version 0.15)

permGPU-package: packageTitlepermGPU


This package can be used to carry out permutation resampling inference using GPUs, as described in I. D. Shterev, S. H. Jung, S. L. George and K. Owzar. "permGPU: Using Graphics Processing Units in RNA Microarray Association Studies", BMC Bioinformatics 11(1), 2010. Currently the package supports six test statistics: the t and Wilcoxon tests, for two-sample problems, the Pearson and Spearman statistics, for non-censored continuous outcomes, and the Cox score and rank score test (Jung et al, 2005), for right-censored time-to-event outcomes. In addition to the test statistics and the corresponding marginal permutation P-values, the package produces family-wise error adjusted P-values using a single-step procedure (Westfall and Young, 1993).



The DESCRIPTION file: packageDESCRIPTIONpermGPU packageIndicespermGPU


Shterev, I.D., Jung, S.-H., George S.L., Owzar K. permGPU: Using graphics processing units in RNA microarray association studies. BMC Bioinformatics 2010, 11:329.

Jung, S.-H., Owzar K., George, S.L. (2005). A multiple testing procedure to associate gene expression levels with survival. Statistics in Medicine. 24(20), 3077--88.

Westfall, P.H. and Young, S.S. (1993). Resampling-Based Multiple Testing: Examples and Methods for P-value Adjustment, Wiley-Interscience, New York.