A permutation \(\phi\) is said to stabilize a set \(S\) if
the image of \(S\) under \(\phi\) is a subset of \(S\), that
is, if \(\left\lbrace\left. \phi(s)\right|s\in S
\right\rbrace\subseteq S \). This may be written
\(\phi(S)\subseteq S\). Given a vector \(G\) of
permutations, we define the stabilizer of \(S\) in \(G\) to be
those elements of \(G\) that stabilize \(S\).
Given \(S\), it is clear that the identity permutation stabilizes
\(S\), and if \(\phi,\psi\) stabilize \(S\) then so does
\(\phi\psi\), and so does \(\phi^{-1}\)
[\(\phi\) is a bijection from \(S\) to itself].