yearly observations of 545 individuals from 1980 to 1987
number of observations : 4360
country : United States
economic topic : labor economics
econometrics topic : endogeneity
A dataframe containing :
the individual index
the year
the experience, computed as age - 6 - schooling
does the individual has health disability ?
the number of hours worked
is the individual married ?
does the individual lives in a rural area ?
years of schooling
does the wage is set by collective bargaining
hourly wage in US dollars
one of agricultural, mining, construction, trade, transportation, finance, businessrepair, personalservice, entertainment, manufacturing, pro.rel.service, pub.admin
one of proftech, manoffpro, sales, clerical, craftfor, operative, laborfarm, farmlabor, service
one of black, hisp and other
the region, one of NorthEast, NothernCentral, South and other
Vella, F. and M. Verbeek (1998) “Whose wages do unions raise ? A dynamic model of unionism and wage”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 13, 163--183.