Create a new population object from phenotype data already loaded in the R environment
create.population(offspringPhenotypes, founders, foundersGroups, offspringGenotypes,
mapsGenetic, mapsPhysical, populationType=c("riself", "f2", "bc", "risib"),
noWarn=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, debugMode=0)
A matrix that contains the phenotype data measured on the offspring (required).
A matrix that contains the phenotype data measured on the founders (required).
When multiple measurement for the founders are present this is used to group the founders. The format is a matrix that contains the phenotype data measured on the (required).
Matrix containing any known offspring genotype data (optional).
Matrix containing a known genetic map (optional).
Matrix containing a known physical map (optional).
Type of population the expression data was obtained from:
riself - Recombinant inbred line by selfing.
f2 - F2 cross.
bc - Back cross.
risib - Recombinant inbred line by sibling mating.
If TRUE, no warnings will be produced.
Be verbose.
Either use 1 or 2, this will modify the amount of information returned to the user. 1) Print out checks, 2) Print additional time information.
An object of class population
This is a complex object containing all the information needed for the entire pheno2geno analysis. It's structure looks like
below (depending on which optional information was supplied):
$offspring - Section in the object which contains all data related to the offspring:
$phenotypes - Offspring phenotype data, stored as a numeric matrix, Rows: phenotypes, Columns: individuals.
$genotypes - (Optional) Offspring genotype data:
$real - The original data when a known genetic map is provided by the user - numeric matrix, Rows: markers, Columns: individuals.
$simulated - Simulated genetic map produced by generate.biomarkers
from phenotype data - numeric matrix, Rows: markers, Columns: individuals.
$founders - Section in the object which contains all data related to the founders:
$phenotypes - Founders phenotype data, stored as a numeric matrix, Rows: phenotypes, Columns: individuals.
$groups - Groups a founder belong to when replicates are available, storad as a vector of 0s and 1s, specifying per column which founder phenotype data belongs to which group.
$RP - Results from the t.test or RankProd analysis on the founders phenotype data, by find.diff.expressed.
$maps - Section in the object which contains all data related to maps:
$genetic Genetic map, stored as a numeric matrix, Rows: markers, 2 Columns [1] Chromosome, [2] Position on chromosome in cM.
$physical Physical map, stored as anumeric matrix, Rows: markers, 2 Columns [1] Chromosome , [2] Position on chromosome in Mbp.
When all required information is provided an object of class population
is returned.
- Loads genotype, phenotype, genetic map data files into R environment into a population object.
- Adding data to an existing population object.
### simulating data
population <- fake.population()
offspring <- population$offspring$phenotypes
founders <- population$founders$phenotypes
founders_groups <- population$founders$groups
population <- create.population(offspring,founders,founders_groups)
# }
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