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phenology (version 10.1)

IPModel: Estimates the pattern of internesting intervals for a set of parameters.


This function fits a model of internesting period.
The parameters are:

  • meanIP : The average number of days between two nesting processes

  • DeltameanIP : The shift in days for IP at each new clutch.

  • sdIP : The standard deviation of number of days between two nesting processes

  • minIP : The minimum number of days between two nesting processes

  • pAbort : The -logit of the probability to abort a nesting process

  • meanAbort : The average of the number of days after the abortion of a nesting process

  • sdAbort : The standard deviation of the number of days after the abortion of a nesting process

  • pCapture : The -logit of the probability to capture a female on the beach

  • meanECF : The average number of clutch a female will try to do being reprensented as ECF

  • sdECF : The standard deviation of number of clutch a female will try to do

  • N : The number of replicates to generate the distribution (default is 10000 if not indicated)

  • ECF.x : The relative proportion of females nesting with ECF = x (ECF.1 being fixed to 1)


  parallel = TRUE,
  limits = list(meanIP = 40, meanECF = 4, minIP = 15, sdAbort = 1, sdIP = 1, sdECF = 1,
    DeltameanIP = 0.5, maxDays = 365)


Return a list with two elements.



Set of parameters


If TRUE, will use parallel computing


A list of limits for various parameters


Marc Girondot marc.girondot@gmail.com


IPModel estimates the pattern of internesting intervals for a set of parameters.

See Also

Other Model of Internesting Period: IPFit(), IPPredict(), plot.IP(), summary.IP()


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# Example
par <- c(meanIP = 9.8, 
sdIP = 0.1, 
minIP = 7, 

pAbort = -logit(0.1), 
meanAbort = 2, 
sdAbort = 0.05, 

pCapture = -logit(0.8), 

meanECF = 4, 
sdECF = 0.1)

model <- IPModel(c(par, N=10000))



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