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photobiology (version 0.10.6)

qe_ratio: Photon:energy ratio


This function returns the photon to energy ratio for each waveband of a light source spectrum.


qe_ratio(spct, w.band, scale.factor, wb.trim, use.cached.mult, use.hinges, ...)

# S3 method for default qe_ratio(spct, w.band, scale.factor, wb.trim, use.cached.mult, use.hinges, ...)

# S3 method for source_spct qe_ratio( spct, w.band = NULL, scale.factor = 1, wb.trim = getOption("photobiology.waveband.trim", default = TRUE), use.cached.mult = FALSE, use.hinges = NULL, naming = "short", name.tag = ifelse(naming != "none", "[q:e]", ""), ... )

# S3 method for source_mspct qe_ratio( spct, w.band = NULL, scale.factor = 1, wb.trim = getOption("photobiology.waveband.trim", default = TRUE), use.cached.mult = FALSE, use.hinges = NULL, naming = "short", name.tag = ifelse(naming != "none", "[q:e]", ""), ..., attr2tb = NULL, idx = "spct.idx", .parallel = FALSE, .paropts = NULL )





waveband or list of waveband objects.


numeric vector of length 1, or length equal to that of w.band. Numeric multiplier applied to returned values.


logical if TRUE wavebands crossing spectral data boundaries are trimmed, if FALSE, they are discarded.


logical Flag telling whether multiplier values should be cached between calls.


logical Flag indicating whether to insert "hinges" into the spectral data before integration so as to reduce interpolation errors at the boundaries of the wavebands.


other arguments (possibly used by derived methods).


character one of "long", "default", "short" or "none". Used to select the type of names to assign to returned value.


character Used to tag the name of the returned values.


character vector, see add_attr2tb for the syntax for attr2tb passed as is to formal parameter col.names.


character Name of the column with the names of the members of the collection of spectra.


if TRUE, apply function in parallel, using parallel backend provided by foreach


a list of additional options passed into the foreach function when parallel computation is enabled. This is important if (for example) your code relies on external data or packages: use the .export and .packages arguments to supply them so that all cluster nodes have the correct environment set up for computing.


Computed values are ratios between photon irradiance and energy irradiance for a given waveband. A named numeric vector in the case of methods for individual spectra, with one value for each waveband passed to parameter w.band. A data.frame in the case of collections of spectra, containing one column for each waveband object, an index column with the names of the spectra, and optionally additional columns with metadata values retrieved from the attributes of the member spectra.

By default values are only integrated, but depending on the argument passed to parameter quantity they can be re-expressed as relative fractions or percentages. In the case of vector output, names attribute is set to the name of the corresponding waveband unless a named list is supplied in which case the names of the list members are used, with "q:e" prepended. Units [mol J-1].

Methods (by class)

  • default: Default for generic function

  • source_spct: Method for source_spct objects

  • source_mspct: Calculates photon:energy ratio from a source_mspct object.

See Also

Other photon and energy ratio functions: e_ratio(), eq_ratio(), q_ratio()


Run this code
qe_ratio(sun.spct, new_waveband(400,700))

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab