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photobiology (version 0.10.6)

rowwise: rowwise functions for collections of spectra


Private methods for collections of spectra. Applies a function at each wavelength across all the spectra in the collection.


rowwise_filter(x, .fun, col.name.tag = "", .fun.name = "Summary of", ...)

rowwise_source(x, .fun, col.name.tag = "", .fun.name = "Summary of", ...)

rowwise_response(x, .fun, col.name.tag = "", .fun.name = "Summary of", ...)

rowwise_reflector(x, .fun, col.name.tag = "", .fun.name = "Summary of", ...)

rowwise_calibration(x, .fun, col.name.tag = "", .fun.name = "Summary of", ...)

rowwise_cps(x, .fun, col.name.tag = "", .fun.name = "Summary of", ...)

rowwise_raw(x, .fun, col.name.tag = "", .fun.name = "Summary of", ...)



An R object. Currently this package defines methods for collections of spectral objects.


An R function or a list of functions.


character Vector of extensions to paste to default column name for the output from each of the functions. If col.name.tag[1] != "", this forces the return of an object of class "generic_spct".


character string used to set what.measured attribute.


Arguments passed to .fun.