split_irradiance: Energy or photon irradiance for split spectrum regions
This function returns the energy or photon irradiance for a series of
contiguous wavebands from a radiation spectrum. The returned values can be
either absolute or relative to their sum.
A numeric vector of irradiances with no change in scale factor if
scale == "absolute", [\(W\,m^{-2}\)] or
[\(mol\,s^{-1}\,sm^{-2}\)] depending on the argument passed
to unit.out or relative values (as fraction of one if scale ==
"relative" or percentages if scale == "percent" of photons or
energy depending on the argument passed to unit.out.
numeric Vector of wavelengths [\(nm\)].
numeric vector of spectral irradiances in
[\(W\,m^{-2}\,nm^{-1}\)] or
[\(mol\,s^{-1}\,sm^{-2}\,nm^{-1}\)] as indicated by the
argument pased to unit.in.
numeric Vector of wavelengths [\(nm\)].
unit.out, unit.in
character Allowed values "energy", and
"photon", or its alias "quantum".
a character A string indicating the scale used for the returned
values ("absolute", "relative" or "percent").
logical Flag indicating whether to sanity check input data,
default is TRUE.
logical Flag indicating whether multiplier values should be
cached between calls.
logical Flag indicating whether to insert "hinges" into the
spectral data before integration so as to reduce interpolation errors at
the boundaries of the wavebands.