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photobiology (version 0.11.3)

v_insert_hinges: Insert spectral data values at new wavelength values.


Inserting wavelengths values immediately before and after a discontinuity in the SWF, greatly reduces the errors caused by interpolating the weighted irradiance during integration of the effective spectral irradiance. This is specially true when data have a relatively large wavelength step size and/or when the weighting function used has discontinuities in its value or slope. This function differs from insert_hinges() in that it returns a vector of y values instead of a tibble.


v_insert_hinges(x, y, h)


A numeric vector with the numeric values of y, but longer. Unless the hinge values were already present in y, each inserted hinge, expands the vector by two values.



numeric vector (sorted in increasing order).


numeric vector.


a numeric vector giving the wavelengths at which the y values should be inserted by interpolation, no interpolation is indicated by an empty numeric vector (numeric(0)).

See Also

Other low-level functions operating on numeric vectors.: as_energy(), as_quantum_mol(), calc_multipliers(), div_spectra(), energy_irradiance(), energy_ratio(), insert_hinges(), integrate_xy(), interpolate_spectrum(), irradiance(), l_insert_hinges(), oper_spectra(), photon_irradiance(), photon_ratio(), photons_energy_ratio(), prod_spectra(), s_e_irrad2rgb(), split_energy_irradiance(), split_photon_irradiance(), subt_spectra(), sum_spectra(), trim_tails(), v_replace_hinges()