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photobiology (version 0.11.3)

waveband: Waveband constructor method


Constructor for "waveband" objects that can be used as input when calculating irradiances.


  x = NULL,
  weight = NULL,
  SWF.e.fun = NULL,
  SWF.q.fun = NULL,
  norm = NULL,
  SWF.norm = NULL,
  hinges = NULL,
  wb.name = NULL,
  wb.label = wb.name

new_waveband( w.low, w.high, weight = NULL, SWF.e.fun = NULL, SWF.q.fun = NULL, norm = NULL, SWF.norm = NULL, hinges = NULL, wb.name = NULL, wb.label = wb.name )


a waveband object



any R object on which applying the method range() yields an vector of two numeric values, describing a range of wavelengths [\(nm\)].


a character string "SWF" or "BSWF", use NULL (the default) to indicate no weighting used when calculating irradiance.

SWF.e.fun, SWF.q.fun

a functions giving multipliers for a spectral weighting function (energy and quantum, respectively) as a function of wavelength [\(nm\)].


a single numeric value indicating the wavelength [\(nm\)] at which the SWF should be normalized to 1.0; NULL is interpreted as no normalization.


a numeric value giving the native normalization wavelength [\(nm\)] used by SWF.e.fun and SWF.q.fun.


a numeric vector giving the wavelengths at which values in s.irrad should be inserted by interpolation before integration is attempted. No interpolation is indicated by an empty vector (numeric(0)), while interpolation at both boundaries of the band is indicated by NULL.


character string giving the name for the waveband defined, default is NULL for an automatically generated name.


character string giving the label of the waveband to be used for labelling computed summaries or plots, default is wb.name. (This is usually a shorter character string than wb.name.)

w.low, w.high

numeric value, wavelengths at the short end and long ends of the wavelength band [\(nm\)].


  • new_waveband(): A less flexible variant


Objects of class waveband are used to store the different bits of information needed to compute summaries from spectral data by integration over wavelengths. The wavelength ranges, possible spectral weighting functions (SWF) or biological spectral weighting functions (BSWF), their normalization wavelengths and names and labels used for reporting the results are all stored in waveband objects. This facilitates the use of functions that compute summaries, as well as ensures consistency in computations and labelling, as all the bits of information are passed together. Class "waveband" is derived from R class list.

See Also

Other waveband constructors: split_bands()


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