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photobiology (version 0.12.0)

check_spct: Check validity of spectral objects


Check that an R object contains the expected data members and within range values in them. For wavelengths also check if ordered and if unique or not.


check_spct(x, byref, strict.range, force = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for default check_spct(x, byref = FALSE, strict.range = NA, force = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for generic_spct check_spct( x, byref = TRUE, strict.range = NA, force = FALSE, multiple.wl = getMultipleWl(x), ... )

# S3 method for calibration_spct check_spct( x, byref = TRUE, strict.range = getOption("photobiology.strict.range", default = FALSE), force = FALSE, multiple.wl = getMultipleWl(x), ... )

# S3 method for raw_spct check_spct( x, byref = TRUE, strict.range = getOption("photobiology.strict.range", default = FALSE), force = FALSE, multiple.wl = getMultipleWl(x), ... )

# S3 method for cps_spct check_spct( x, byref = TRUE, strict.range = getOption("photobiology.strict.range", default = FALSE), force = FALSE, multiple.wl = getMultipleWl(x), ... )

# S3 method for filter_spct check_spct( x, byref = TRUE, strict.range = getOption("photobiology.strict.range", default = FALSE), force = FALSE, multiple.wl = getMultipleWl(x), ... )

# S3 method for solute_spct check_spct( x, byref = TRUE, strict.range = getOption("photobiology.strict.range", default = FALSE), force = FALSE, multiple.wl = getMultipleWl(x), ... )

# S3 method for reflector_spct check_spct( x, byref = TRUE, strict.range = getOption("photobiology.strict.range", default = FALSE), force = FALSE, multiple.wl = getMultipleWl(x), ... )

# S3 method for object_spct check_spct( x, byref = TRUE, strict.range = getOption("photobiology.strict.range", default = FALSE), force = FALSE, multiple.wl = getMultipleWl(x), ... )

# S3 method for response_spct check_spct( x, byref = TRUE, strict.range = NA, force = FALSE, multiple.wl = getMultipleWl(x), ... )

# S3 method for source_spct check_spct( x, byref = TRUE, strict.range = getOption("photobiology.strict.range", default = FALSE), force = FALSE, multiple.wl = getMultipleWl(x), ... )

# S3 method for chroma_spct check_spct( x, byref = TRUE, strict.range = getOption("photobiology.strict.range", default = FALSE), force = FALSE, multiple.wl = getMultipleWl(x), ... )



An R object


logical indicating if new object will be created by reference or by copy of x


logical indicating whether off-range values result in an error instead of a warning, with NA a message is issued on failure.


logical If TRUE check is done even if checks are disabled.


additional parameters possible in derived methods


numeric Maximum number of repeated w.length entries with same value.

Methods (by class)

  • check_spct(default): Default for generic function.

  • check_spct(generic_spct): Specialization for generic_spct.

  • check_spct(calibration_spct): Specialization for calibration_spct.

  • check_spct(raw_spct): Specialization for raw_spct.

  • check_spct(cps_spct): Specialization for cps_spct.

  • check_spct(filter_spct): Specialization for filter_spct.

  • check_spct(solute_spct): Specialization for solute_spct.

  • check_spct(reflector_spct): Specialization for reflector_spct.

  • check_spct(object_spct): Specialization for object_spct.

  • check_spct(response_spct): Specialization for response_spct.

  • check_spct(source_spct): Specialization for source_spct.

  • check_spct(chroma_spct): Specialization for chroma_spct.


These methods are exported and can be called by user code if needed, for example, when the checks have been disabled by setting an R option with disable_check_spct.

See Also

Other data validity check functions: check_spectrum(), check_w.length(), enable_check_spct()


Run this code

# try(check_spct(-sun.spct))
# try(check_spct((sun.spct[1, "w.length"] <- 1000)))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab