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photobiology (version 0.12.0)

fshift: Shift the scale of a spectrum using a summary function


The fshift() methods return a spectral object of the same class as the one supplied as argument but with the spectral data on a zero-shifted scale. A range of wavelengths is taken as a zero reference and the summary calculated with f for this waveband is substracted. This results in a zero shift (= additive correction) to the values in the returned object. Metadata attributes are retained unchanged.


fshift(x, ...)

# S3 method for default fshift(x, ...)

# S3 method for source_spct fshift( x, range = c(wl_min(x), wl_min(x) + 10), f = "mean", unit.out = getOption("photobiology.radiation.unit", default = "energy"), ... )

# S3 method for response_spct fshift( x, range = c(wl_min(x), wl_min(x) + 10), f = "mean", unit.out = getOption("photobiology.radiation.unit", default = "energy"), ... )

# S3 method for filter_spct fshift( x, range = c(wl_min(x), wl_min(x) + 10), f = "min", qty.out = getOption("photobiology.filter.qty", default = "transmittance"), ... )

# S3 method for reflector_spct fshift(x, range = c(wl_min(x), wl_min(x) + 10), f = "min", qty.out = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for source_mspct fshift( x, range = c(wl_min(x), wl_min(x) + 10), f = "mean", unit.out = getOption("photobiology.radiation.unit", default = "energy"), ... )

# S3 method for raw_spct fshift( x, range = c(wl_min(x), wl_min(x) + 10), f = "mean", qty.out = NULL, ... )

# S3 method for cps_spct fshift( x, range = c(wl_min(x), wl_min(x) + 10), f = "mean", qty.out = NULL, ... )

# S3 method for generic_spct fshift(x, range = c(wl_min(x), wl_min(x) + 10), f = "mean", col.names, ...)

# S3 method for response_mspct fshift( x, range = c(wl_min(x), wl_min(x) + 10), f = "mean", unit.out = getOption("photobiology.radiation.unit", default = "energy"), ..., .parallel = FALSE, .paropts = NULL )

# S3 method for filter_mspct fshift( x, range = c(wl_min(x), wl_min(x) + 10), f = "min", qty.out = getOption("photobiology.filter.qty", default = "transmittance"), ..., .parallel = FALSE, .paropts = NULL )

# S3 method for reflector_mspct fshift( x, range = c(wl_min(x), wl_min(x) + 10), f = "min", qty.out = NULL, ..., .parallel = FALSE, .paropts = NULL )

# S3 method for raw_mspct fshift( x, range = c(wl_min(x), wl_min(x) + 10), f = "min", ..., .parallel = FALSE, .paropts = NULL )

# S3 method for cps_mspct fshift( x, range = c(wl_min(x), wl_min(x) + 10), f = "min", ..., .parallel = FALSE, .paropts = NULL )

# S3 method for generic_mspct fshift( x, range = c(wl_min(x), wl_min(x) + 10), f = "min", col.names, ..., .parallel = FALSE, .paropts = NULL )


A copy of x with the spectral data values replaced with values zero-shifted.

a new object of the same class as x.



An R object


additional named arguments passed down to f.


An R object on which range() returns a numeric vector of length 2 with the limits of a range of wavelengths in nm, with min and max wavelengths (nm)


character string "mean", "min" or "max" for scaling so that this summary value becomes the origin of the spectral data scale in the returned object, or the name of a function taking x as first argument and returning a numeric value.


character Allowed values "energy", and "photon", or its alias "quantum"


character Allowed values "transmittance", and "absorbance"


character vector containing the names of columns or variables to which to apply the scale shift.


if TRUE, apply function in parallel, using parallel backend provided by foreach


a list of additional options passed into the foreach function when parallel computation is enabled. This is important if (for example) your code relies on external data or packages: use the .export and .packages arguments to supply them so that all cluster nodes have the correct environment set up for computing.

Methods (by class)

  • fshift(default): Default for generic function

  • fshift(source_spct):

  • fshift(response_spct):

  • fshift(filter_spct):

  • fshift(reflector_spct):

  • fshift(source_mspct):

  • fshift(raw_spct):

  • fshift(cps_spct):

  • fshift(generic_spct):

  • fshift(response_mspct):

  • fshift(filter_mspct):

  • fshift(reflector_mspct):

  • fshift(raw_mspct):

  • fshift(cps_mspct):

  • fshift(generic_mspct):

See Also

Other rescaling functions: fscale(), getNormalized(), getScaled(), is_normalized(), is_scaled(), normalize(), setNormalized(), setScaled()