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photobiology (version 0.12.0)

wb2rect_spct: Create tagged spectrum from wavebands


Create a generic_spct object with wavelengths from the range of wavebands in a list. The spectrum is suitable for plotting labels, symbols, rectangles or similar, as the midpoint of each waveband is added to the spectrum.


wb2rect_spct(w.band, short.names = TRUE, chroma.type = "CMF")

fast_wb2rect_spct(w.band, chroma.type = "CMF", simplify = TRUE)


A generic.spectrum object, with columns w.length, wl.low, wl.hi, wl.color, wb.color and wb.name. The w.length values are the midpoint of the wavebands, wl.low and wl.high give the boundaries of the wavebands, wl.color the color definition corresponding to the wavelength at the center of the waveband and wb.color the color of the waveband as a whole (assuming a flat energy irradiance spectrum). Different spectral data variables are set to zero and added making the returned value compatible with classes derived from generic_spct.



waveband or list of waveband objects The waveband(s) determine the wavelengths in variable w.length of the returned spectrum


logical Flag indicating whether to use short or long names for wavebands


character telling whether "CMF", "CC", or "both" should be returned for human vision, or an object of class chroma_spct for any other trichromic visual system.


logical Flag indicating whether to merge neighboring rectangles of equal color. Simplification is done only for narrow wavebands.

See Also

Other tagging and related functions: is_tagged(), tag(), untag(), wb2spct(), wb2tagged_spct()