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Package ‘photobiologyLEDs’ complements other packages in the R for photobiology suite. It contains spectral emission data for diverse types of light emitting diodes (LEDs) and LED arrays (leds.mspct) available as electronic components. Spectra for LED-based lamps and other lamps are included in package ‘photobioloyLamps’. Package ‘photobiologyLEDs’ also includes spectra from a COB LED when dimmed using the constant current approach (COB_dimming.mspct) and for a COB LED combined with reflectors with different beam angles (COB_reflectors.mspct).

This package contains only data. Data are stored as collections of spectra of class source_mspct from package ‘photobiology’, which is the core of the R for photobiology suite. Spectra can be easily plotted with functions and methods from package ‘ggspectra’. The spectra can be used seamlessly with functions from package ‘photobioloy’. However, class source_mspct is derived from list and class source_spct is derived from data.frame making the data also usable as is with base R functions.



How many spectra are included in the current version of ‘photobiologyLEDs’?

#> [1] 93
#> [1] 8
#> [1] 4

What are the names of available spectra. We use head() to limit the output.

# list names of the first 10 LEDs
head(names(leds.mspct), 10)
#>  [1] "Agilent_HLMB_CB30"           "Agilent_HLMB_CD31"          
#>  [3] "Agilent_HLMP_CB31"           "Agilent_HLMP_CM30"          
#>  [5] "Agilent_HLMP_CM31"           "Agilent_HLMP_DJ32"          
#>  [7] "Agilent_HLMP_DL32"           "Bridgelux_3W_455nm"         
#>  [9] "Bridgelux_BXRE_50S2001_c_73" "CREE_XPE_480nm"

To subset based on different criteria we can use predefined character vectors of LED names. For example, vector nichia_leds lists the names of the spectra for LEDs made by NIchia.

#> [1] "Nichia_NVSU233B_U365"            "Nichia_NVSU119C_U385"           
#> [3] "Nichia_NFSW757G_Rsp0a"           "Nichia_NFSL757GT_Rsp0a"         
#> [5] "Nichia_NFCWL036B_V3_Rfcb0"       "Nichia_NF2W757GT_F1_sm505_Rfc00"
#> [7] "Nichia_unknown_757"              "Nichia_NS6L183AT_H1_sw"         
#> [9] "Nichia_NFSW757G_V3_Rs060"

We can use the vector to extract all these spectra as a collection.

#> Object: source_mspct [9 x 1]
#> --- Member: Nichia_NVSU233B_U365 ---
#> Object: source_spct [1,313 x 2]
#> Wavelength range 251.29-900 nm, step 1.023182e-12-7.53 nm 
#> Label: LED type NVSU233B_U365 from Nichia 
#> Measured on 2021-10-09 22:35:17.181825 UTC 
#> Time unit 1s
#> Spectral data normalized to s.e.irrad = 1 at 366.03 nm (max in 251.29-900 nm)
#> # A tibble: 1,313 × 2
#>    w.length s.e.irrad
#>       <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1     251.         0
#>  2     256.         0
#>  3     257.         0
#>  4     257.         0
#>  5     257.         0
#>  6     258.         0
#>  7     258.         0
#>  8     259.         0
#>  9     259.         0
#> 10     260.         0
#> # ℹ 1,303 more rows
#> --- Member: Nichia_NVSU119C_U385 ---
#> Object: source_spct [1,269 x 2]
#> Wavelength range 251.29-900 nm, step 1.023182e-12-7.52 nm 
#> Label: LED type NVSU119C_U385 from Nichia 
#> Measured on 2021-10-09 22:29:03.495034 UTC 
#> Time unit 1s
#> Spectral data normalized to s.e.irrad = 1 at 385.25 nm (max in 251.29-900 nm)
#> # A tibble: 1,269 × 2
#>    w.length s.e.irrad
#>       <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1     251.         0
#>  2     254.         0
#>  3     254.         0
#>  4     256.         0
#>  5     257.         0
#>  6     257.         0
#>  7     257.         0
#>  8     258.         0
#>  9     258.         0
#> 10     259.         0
#> # ℹ 1,259 more rows
#> --- Member: Nichia_NFSW757G_Rsp0a ---
#> Object: source_spct [568 x 2]
#> Wavelength range 251.16-900 nm, step 1.023182e-12-7.59 nm 
#> Label: LED type NFSW757G_Rsp0a from Nichia 
#> Measured on 2019-06-25 14:03:10.946064 UTC 
#> Time unit 1s
#> Spectral data normalized to s.e.irrad = 1 at 451.3 nm (max in 251.16-900 nm)
#> # A tibble: 568 × 2
#>    w.length s.e.irrad
#>       <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1     251.         0
#>  2     259.         0
#>  3     260.         0
#>  4     261.         0
#>  5     261.         0
#>  6     263.         0
#>  7     263.         0
#>  8     263.         0
#>  9     264.         0
#> 10     266.         0
#> # ℹ 558 more rows
#> --- Member: Nichia_NFSL757GT_Rsp0a ---
#> Object: source_spct [645 x 2]
#> Wavelength range 251.16-900 nm, step 1.023182e-12-7.59 nm 
#> Label: LED type NFSL757GT_Rsp0a from Nichia 
#> Measured on 2019-06-25 14:07:51.674266 UTC 
#> Time unit 1s
#> Spectral data normalized to s.e.irrad = 1 at 622.27 nm (max in 251.16-900 nm)
#> # A tibble: 645 × 2
#>    w.length s.e.irrad
#>       <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1     251.         0
#>  2     252.         0
#>  3     252.         0
#>  4     253.         0
#>  5     253.         0
#>  6     255.         0
#>  7     258.         0
#>  8     258.         0
#>  9     259.         0
#> 10     266.         0
#> # ℹ 635 more rows
#> --- Member: Nichia_NFCWL036B_V3_Rfcb0 ---
#> Object: source_spct [796 x 2]
#> Wavelength range 251.29-900 nm, step 1.023182e-12-7.55 nm 
#> Label: LED type NFCWL036B_V3_Rfcb0 from Nichia 
#> Measured on 2021-10-09 20:43:51.476858 UTC 
#> Time unit 1s
#> Spectral data normalized to s.e.irrad = 1 at 458.44 nm (max in 251.29-900 nm)
#> # A tibble: 796 × 2
#>    w.length s.e.irrad
#>       <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1     251.         0
#>  2     254.         0
#>  3     254.         0
#>  4     256.         0
#>  5     257.         0
#>  6     259.         0
#>  7     259.         0
#>  8     260.         0
#>  9     260.         0
#> 10     261.         0
#> # ℹ 786 more rows
#> --- Member: Nichia_NF2W757GT_F1_sm505_Rfc00 ---
#> Object: source_spct [729 x 2]
#> Wavelength range 251.16-900 nm, step 1.023182e-12-7.59 nm 
#> Label: LED type NF2W757GT_F1_sm505_Rfc00 from Nichia 
#> Measured on 2019-06-25 14:22:46.214559 UTC 
#> Time unit 1s
#> Spectral data normalized to s.e.irrad = 1 at 419.18 nm (max in 251.16-900 nm)
#> # A tibble: 729 × 2
#>    w.length s.e.irrad
#>       <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1     251.         0
#>  2     252.         0
#>  3     253.         0
#>  4     254.         0
#>  5     254          0
#>  6     259.         0
#>  7     266.         0
#>  8     271.         0
#>  9     272.         0
#> 10     274.         0
#> # ℹ 719 more rows
#> --- Member: Nichia_unknown_757 ---
#> Object: source_spct [526 x 3]
#> Wavelength range 250.14-900 nm, step 1.023182e-12-7.59 nm 
#> Label: LED type unknown_757 from Nichia 
#> Measured on 2016-09-14 16:19:00 UTC 
#> Time unit 1s
#> Spectral data normalized to s.e.irrad = 1 at 454.48 nm (max in 250.14-900 nm)
#> # A tibble: 526 × 3
#>    w.length s.e.irrad s.e.irrad.good
#>       <dbl>     <dbl>          <dbl>
#>  1     250.         0              0
#>  2     251.         0              0
#>  3     252.         0              0
#>  4     258.         0              0
#>  5     265.         0              0
#>  6     273.         0              0
#>  7     281.         0              0
#>  8     288.         0              0
#>  9     296.         0              0
#> 10     303.         0              0
#> # ℹ 516 more rows
#> --- Member: Nichia_NS6L183AT_H1_sw ---
#> Object: source_spct [904 x 2]
#> Wavelength range 251.29-900 nm, step 1.023182e-12-7.48 nm 
#> Label: LED type NS6L183AT_H1_sw from Nichia 
#> Measured on 2021-10-09 20:15:17.948579 UTC 
#> Time unit 1s
#> Spectral data normalized to s.e.irrad = 1 at 620.12 nm (max in 251.29-900 nm)
#> # A tibble: 904 × 2
#>    w.length s.e.irrad
#>       <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1     251.         0
#>  2     256.         0
#>  3     257.         0
#>  4     257.         0
#>  5     257.         0
#>  6     258.         0
#>  7     258.         0
#>  8     259.         0
#>  9     259.         0
#> 10     260.         0
#> # ℹ 894 more rows
#> --- Member: Nichia_NFSW757G_V3_Rs060 ---
#> Object: source_spct [187 x 2]
#> Wavelength range 350-799.30696 nm, step 1-16 nm 
#> Time unit 1s
#> Spectral data normalized to s.e.irrad = 1 at 450 nm (max in 350-799.31 nm)
#> # A tibble: 187 × 2
#>    w.length s.e.irrad
#>       <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1      350  0       
#>  2      366  0.000254
#>  3      369  0       
#>  4      370  0       
#>  5      371  0       
#>  6      372  0       
#>  7      373  0       
#>  8      374  0       
#>  9      375  0       
#> 10      376  0       
#> # ℹ 177 more rows
#> --- END ---

The package includes a character vector with the names of LED brands and LED colors as used for indexing vectors.

#> [1] "uv"     "purle"  "blue"   "green"  "yellow" "orange" "red"    "ir"
#>  [1] "Agilent"        "Bridgelux"      "CREE"           "Epileds"       
#>  [5] "Epistar"        "HueyJann"       "LCFOCUS"        "LedEngin"      
#>  [9] "Ledguhon"       "Luminus"        "Marktech"       "Nichia"        
#> [13] "Norlux"         "Osram"          "QuantumDevices" "Roithner"      
#> [17] "Samsung"        "SeoulSemicon"   "TaoYuan"        "Weili"
#> [1] "plant_grow" "high_CRI"

Vectors like Nichia_leds shown above are available for all the brands listed in led_brands, all the colors in led_colors, and all the uses in led_uses.

Summary calculations can be easily done with methods from package ‘photobiology’. Here we calculate photon irradiance. As the spectra are normalised we pass allow.scaled = TRUE,

        allow.scaled = TRUE, scale.factor = 1e6)
#>   Q_Total 
#> 151086898 
#> attr(,"time.unit")
#> [1] "second"
#> attr(,"radiation.unit")
#> [1] "total photon irradiance"

The autoplot() methods from package ‘ggspectra’ can be used for plotting one or more spectra at a time.

autoplot(leds.mspct[["Nichia_NS6L183AT_H1_sw"]]) + theme_bw()

The classes of the objects used to store the spectral data are derived from "data.frame" making direct use of the data with functions and methods from base R and various packages easy.


Installation of the most recent stable version from CRAN:


Installation of the current unstable version from GitHub:

# install.packages("devtools")


HTML documentation is available at (https://docs.r4photobiology.info/photobiologyLEDs/), including a User Guide.

News on updates to the different packages of the ‘r4photobiology’ suite are regularly posted at (https://www.r4photobiology.info/).

Two articles introduce the basic ideas behind the design of the suite and its use: Aphalo P. J. (2015) (https://doi.org/10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14) and Aphalo P. J. (2016) (https://doi.org/10.19232/uv4pb.2016.1.15).

A book is under preparation, and the draft is currently available at (https://leanpub.com/r4photobiology/).

A handbook written before the suite was developed contains useful information on the quantification and manipulation of ultraviolet and visible radiation: Aphalo, P. J., Albert, A., Björn, L. O., McLeod, A. R., Robson, T. M., & Rosenqvist, E. (Eds.) (2012) Beyond the Visible: A handbook of best practice in plant UV photobiology (1st ed., p. xxx + 174). Helsinki: University of Helsinki, Department of Biosciences, Division of Plant Biology. ISBN 978-952-10-8363-1 (PDF), 978-952-10-8362-4 (paperback). PDF file available from (https://hdl.handle.net/10138/37558).


Pull requests, bug reports, and feature requests are welcome at (https://github.com/aphalo/photobiologyLEDs).


If you use this package to produce scientific or commercial publications, please cite according to:

#> To cite package ‘photobiologyLEDs’ in publications use:
#>   Aphalo, Pedro J. (2015) The r4photobiology suite. UV4Plants Bulletin,
#>   2015:1, 21-29. DOI:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#>   @Article{,
#>     author = {Pedro J. Aphalo},
#>     title = {The r4photobiology suite},
#>     journal = {UV4Plants Bulletin},
#>     volume = {2015},
#>     number = {1},
#>     pages = {21-29},
#>     year = {2015},
#>     doi = {10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14},
#>   }


© 2012-2023 Pedro J. Aphalo (pedro.aphalo@helsinki.fi). Released under the GPL, version 2 or greater. This software carries no warranty of any kind.

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Pedro Aphalo

Last Published

November 1st, 2023

Functions in photobiologyLEDs (0.5.2)


Spectral data for LEDs for different uses

photobiologyLEDs: Spectral Data for Light-Emitting-Diodes

Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers

Spectra acquired with an Ocean Optics Maya2000 Pro spectrometer

LEDs with reflectors

Spectral irradiance for diverse LEDs

Constant-current dimming of LEDs

Spectral data for LEDs of different colours